Just In
for Rescue Ink

3/5 c56 Guest
Very annoying how none of the couples have their own identities…just sharing a wedding day/delivery date of their babies is so lame. Also the fact that they spend every waking minute of the day together is bizarre. I 100% agree with Edward, they need time apart from his family to just be.
9/19/2023 c28 rpattzgirl08
Oh fledgling of my nutsack… pure gold!
4/24/2023 c61 debb lavoie
This story was so good. You made me feel on the feels. Thanks
4/24/2023 c60 debb lavoie
This story is so important, people don't see what goes on.
4/24/2023 c59 debb lavoie
Love the banter and all who went. Love the dance.
4/24/2023 c56 debb lavoie
So precious
4/24/2023 c55 debb lavoie
That was perfect! Love the song.
4/24/2023 c54 debb lavoie
So sweet, I want a swan ride.
4/24/2023 c53 debb lavoie
Funny how people see things differently.
4/23/2023 c52 debb lavoie
Glad the girls found the two cats.
4/23/2023 c51 debb lavoie
So funny a great competition.
4/23/2023 c49 debb lavoie
Such a wonderful cause.
4/23/2023 c48 debb lavoie
That ham one sounds good.
4/23/2023 c47 debb lavoie
Wow, perfect combination! And what are those two mothers up to
4/23/2023 c46 debb lavoie
Beautiful vows.
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