Just In
for A Song of Ice, Fire and Lightning

20h c18 Citan
Ok that was just dumb. Baelish wants to meet him but its outside the city and another half hour walk from there (all together thats f*cking far) and he didn't find that suspicious? Its not like he is friends with Baelish. If he has been snooping around while invisible, he would have known what kind of person Baelish is. Would have made more sense if he met him in his whorehouse. And the one leading him there looks like a beggar and is a cripple? Seriously nothing wrong with that...

I understand Ned has to die and i like the way you did it. Your way to get Harry away from Ned is the thing i find dumb. And the poison, couldn't he atleast run lightning through his body, through his blood, his heart? Maybe he wouldn't have passed out?

Hopefully there wouldn't be another thing as dumb as this for the rest of the story.
10/3 c4 Soul Sendant
there are no good demons chunni fuck
10/3 c3 Soul Sendant
yeah, this is definitely emo gibberish
10/3 c3 Soul Sendant
lmao a viper isnt blade resistant and a demon weapon wouldnt be a simple blade the nonsense continues and becomes completely forced plot garbage
10/3 c2 Soul Sendant
lighting dragon slayer magic doesn't exist in the Harry Potter verse and hed die trying to replicate it this nonsense is just pathetic like you didnt even try
10/3 c2 Soul Sendant
wow the info dump is very revealing as to just how ignorant this story is going to have to be with an mc like this douche bag lmao
10/3 c1 Soul Sendant
oh boy a completely retarded mc yeah this is typical slave minded sheeple garbage
10/3 c1 Soul Sendant
if harry gets stuck with broken shoes like in all the other garbage on these fan fic sites it will be disappointing as having a real man as an mc is very rare in this modern age of depravity and ignorance.
9/25 c48 mr guy
honestly nobody cares about the rest of your story until you brutally and violently kill euron.
9/25 c45 mr guy
fuck off
9/22 c60 thegodsfearme
I’ve loved this story for a while now and have been reading your work since the first chapter of LDS and can’t wait for more of this! Keep up the good work!
9/22 c18 BandidoThreat
i guess you needed to burn half of Harry's brain for such an obviously idiotic scheme to kill him work successfully tbh, hopefully you won't make Harry's IQ taking a nosedive a continuous plot device, otherwise the story will start to become dull
9/9 c60 Mari Wollsch
Super great, can't wait for more, please update soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
9/6 c30 1GideonBlackthorn
they killed geryon?! evil bastards!
8/27 c57 myafroatemydog
Good chap
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