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for Fate: Gamer Night - SE

7/17/2016 c4 sadark
why doesnt he have the "observe" skill?
every gamer power must have that skill or it wouldnt be the same.
except for that i like your story , waiting nexxt chapter!
7/17/2016 c4 justafan
yes taiga is joining shirous harem always wished there was a taiga route in the game one of my favourite female characters hopefully this is updated soon this story is awesome.
7/17/2016 c3 justafan
well lets hope shirou is the one who is dominating at least against her i hope this is updated soon its amazing plus i love shirou harems.
7/17/2016 c2 justafan
alright this is pretty good little wary of the cheating tag but im hoping it is shirou that is taking the women.
7/17/2016 c2 2Viva01
Lol just realised Sakura is going to be all over him as her kohai
7/17/2016 c4 This Illusion
Cant wait for the next chapter frankly I found it amusing or excited if he surpassed gil charisma and become ex rank for sone reason:D
7/16/2016 c1 Viva01
Will shirou skip grades?
7/16/2016 c4 Viva01
Hmmm progression on the romance front. I like the story so far and look forward to its development. Although I will probably skip the neotare scenes as they always leave me feeling bad unless it is netori. I can already think of a few characters that will suffer under the neotare scenes. I'll probably go quiet for those scenes but otherwise I like the story so far and hope it continues to flow for you
7/16/2016 c3 Guest
Dear Saeko,

prepare your vaggo because youre about to experience shirou's huge levels.
7/16/2016 c4 13fg7dragon
Very nice, I look forward to seeing where this leads - especially with Taiga!
7/16/2016 c4 Eternity Wind
PICK UP A DAMN BOW SHIROU! Unlock your super secret bonus for that shit! DO IT MAN!

Penetrate women from a distance skillz!
7/16/2016 c4 RandomReviewer
Fate/Gamer Shota stay here tonight edition.

Depending how the PLOT moves, we might be getting them smut sooner than later because of Shirou's charisma stats.
7/16/2016 c4 TJG
You might want to include Shirou grinding the other magic abilities like structural analysis, projection, and reinforcement since he knows about them from the first chapter and he knows they have a lot of room for improvement. Given that he knows about his super specialization regarding blades with lesser abilities in weapons in general and then less ability with armor, he should focus his grinding on that especially with the crazy bonuses. For basic practice he might buy a pack of disposable razor blades that he can practice on each of his magic abilities on for grinding. Also as a consideration he might want to try apply a variant of his nerve circuit skill to convert the razor blades into temporary Circuits (though they might degrade with time instead of his own health so he would need to carry boxes of them as they are expended) and he might succeed in doing so due to the crazy bonuses with a base total bonus of 2000 percent to succeed in doing so. Once he either maxes them all out or at least gets 100 per cent, then he might visit various museums for using structural analysis on all the blades (which can include pole arms and missile weapons and various other bladed weapons) there as well as various things involving blades like chefs and butchers. Possibly he might similarly leverage off his blade-related bonuses onto more general abilities.

He might also look up all mundane skills and activities related to blades for for grinding. This includes: sword and knife making and other bladed tools (like axes and chisels and saws) and bladed goods (like fingernail cutters and shears) making, cooking and food preparation (which he is apparently already doing), and the use of all such products. Possibly he might get bonuses to research special blades and their uses related to magic and mundane use. Maybe even making jewelry involving bladed goods (like inlays, engravings, jewel settings, or even carving gemstones into various blade forms). I wonder if he could use a variant of his analysis, projection, and reinforcement on the ingredients for making a synthetic gemstone and use them to synthesize a gemstone in the form of a blade (like say a thick short-handled splitting maul) that can then be carefully broken down into more conventional shapes and then sold through Taiga's family).
7/16/2016 c4 23MalasLaBro
Keep going. I like this story very much
7/16/2016 c4 Eurigos
This is pretty interesting, I want to read more
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