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for Fate: Gamer Night - SE

12/21/2023 c5 InfinityMask
Ah… I didn’t realize that Rin and Sakura is older here. Lol.
12/21/2023 c4 InfinityMask
This kinda make Shirou supranatural. I wonder what Gaia effect on him.
12/21/2023 c3 InfinityMask
Hm… did Saeko or her ancestors have connections with magecraft?
12/21/2023 c2 InfinityMask
I kinda expected them to call Taiga. Haha. I wonder what Saeko involvement would bring to the plot.
12/21/2023 c1 InfinityMask
Well. I wonder if he can find out about rin and sakura with this eye.
12/16/2023 c38 smile
LoL Shiro inventory - /VqqZzYka9b4
12/15/2023 c38 dustinlemque
update please
12/12/2023 c38 Keyblademaster 21177
Please update author, this story is very good. You need to make more updates on it. By the way, what happened to Avalon? Is it still inside Shirou or did something happen to it that we don't know yet?
12/10/2023 c6 SrvntShirogane
Shirou Updated from an Eroge to a Dating sim Fuck yeah
12/4/2023 c38 2rc48177
holy hollabaloo batman, an update!
12/4/2023 c38 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful wonderful also very noice
12/4/2023 c38 Ghostcraft9
Love it
12/4/2023 c38 9Dragon Man 180
Poor Velvet, he's going to be burning through his smokes at an unholy rate! Can Shirou project some for him if needed by storing one in inventory? God, Shirou would be the ultimate drug dealer if he could do that.

And Shirou's night battle with Rangiku is definitely impressive despite a lack of details, he clearly won the fight and made her enjoy it.
12/3/2023 c38 Mekhan
why'd it take so long to update?
12/3/2023 c38 Jojo2424
I can't use the link please send again it's not working and great chapter.
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