Just In
for The Futile Facade

4/22/2021 c5 Guest
People say that Caelum isn't too old for Harry, but he's the same age as Leo and people say that Leo is too old? Anywho, I have no hecking idea if ANY of the present/past/future romantic peeps for Harry will work out, if any, and honestly...

I don't care who it will...or will not be, as long as Harry is happy. If she's happy, all will be well, as far as I am concerned.

Harry's happiness is what is most important.
4/22/2021 c4 Guest
"moon-struck ninny"... the insults just keep getting more and more elaborate. Caelum, are you quoting Shakespeare or what!? (I had an assignment in English today about Shakespearean insults, and it was highly entertaining, to say the least.) Two of my particular favorites are: "yeasty bladder," and "bootless foot-licker."
4/21/2021 c15 LC
I am in love. Your stories have such depth and detail in the plot and characters I cant help but read each chapter multiple times.
As I've read the books again in honor of you finishing this book, I've noticed things that I didn't notice on my previous reads.
I am so glad that you included Snape in the epilogue and am looking forward to what you create next. Thank you for taking the time to write this amazing story.
4/21/2021 c2 Guest
Heyyyy this chapter DOES make me feel like summer, so thank you! (summer is upon me where I live, it's getting ever warmer) ALSO I love this book more than I can put into words and I'm hecka excited to read it again (I read it last month too :D)
4/20/2021 c1 Guest
I'm so so so so SO happy that lovely Harry has a friend now besides Archie who will be there for her no matter what, even if they ARE technically stuck in her mind for all of eternity :p
4/20/2021 c1 Guest
You best believe that when The Manic Masquerade is posted I’ll be rereading the whole series from the beginning
4/19/2021 c15 Akir
I love this series, and I've never commented on a post before, but I just want to say that any time i see a new chapter being uploaded, you best believe I'm going to read the entire series from book one all over again. I read the new chapter first, then go back to chapter 1 book 1 and start all over again, because context, you know. You rock, your writing rocks, and I can physically not wait for book 5.
4/16/2021 c2 of Serendip
Oh man..
Pansy and Draco are doing more harm than good trying to find Rigel.
Riddle is a psychopath that shouldn’t be around people, let alone children.
And after what happened, they still want to bring him back to Cody up together at Malfoy’s manor? His sphere of influence? Who wants to visit for another tea party ambush.

If they want what’s good for Rigel, they stayed away. They should know their own familys are danger to their friend.
4/16/2021 c15 zeldaslade7
this is amazing
4/16/2021 c1 of Serendip
I was just thinking I actually missed the Polyjuice a little. I miss being tall, and I really, really miss good vision. Then I thought, what if there was a way to select the exact attributes that Polyjuice imitates? Isolate the genes expressed to one specific desirable trait, instead of clumsily copying the whole strand of genetic material."

That seems like a rather complicated way of doing it hahahah
And didn’t she say taking polyjuice for a long period of time is not good for the body. Why can’t she just invent a potion that correct her eyesight instead?
4/16/2021 c15 of Serendip
Wow, but this is horrible, if that Lestrange kid knowingly aided and brewed potion for that foul ritual. He committed a hideous crime. Knowing he was going to attack the two Blacks( Archie and Tonks) whom he is related too. It’s an attack on his own shared blood by his mother too. I can’t believe he hated Rigel enough to aid the process to steal his own cousin’s magic.

Harry really did make a mistake teaching him. I hope she is more careful in the future who she shared her knowledge with.

I didn’t like his character before but somewhat looks forwards to their funny banters. Now I wished ‘Rigel’ and Archie kicked his arse.
4/15/2021 c14 of Serendip
I wish they wouldn’t discuss it in public where people can listen in.
I love this 4th story the most too. Looking forward to more.
4/15/2021 c10 of Serendip
Why is she so naive? She kept warning to people vaguely and this time to the wrong person too. Has she considered that Riddle himself might know and actually in on this and taking advantage of the situations somehow. Urghhh heading to another disaster again.
4/13/2021 c1 Guest
By all rights you should be famous for writing this — its that good
4/12/2021 c15 Guest
I’m actually crying please let draco and rigel/Harry get back together eeepp my heart is actually breaking rn
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