Just In
for Halimeda Potter, Thinking of the Sea

5/9/2023 c8 Ryan
This is truly a shitty cliffhanger. The rest of the story was good and then you introduced Malfoy...
1/9/2023 c8 flashingreeneyes
I think the Not Fury must be Lucius. Draco seriously need his face punched in by an Iron Fist! Ahhh!
1/9/2023 c6 flashingreeneyes
Hali and Hel? He’ll yeah! (See what I did right there?!) Pwahahahaha
1/9/2023 c4 flashingreeneyes
OMG! ‘How to Rescue Your Kidnapped Friend’s Daughter For Dummies’ HahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA! You’re killing me, Smalls!
1/9/2023 c3 flashingreeneyes
This story is amazing aaaand hysterical! I love it!
4/29/2022 c8 Daboop Jones
ok this was a lot more entertaining then I thought it would be lol
1/7/2022 c8 6lilly-flower15
Great chapter update soon
7/17/2021 c8 Guest
this weakness is disgust6ing and disturbing. It also destroys the story. congrats, like many other authors you discovered that the moment you think yourself clever, you instantly ruin the fan fiction.

Also, making the MC weak because of the plot is nothing short of disgusting and shows that this is nothing more then trash for you and nothing you care about
12/10/2020 c8 kitta160
Please write more soon. I really love this story.
11/14/2020 c8 18Anonymous Wandmaker
Pretty nice fic, it's just that it leaves me confused. a lot. like, I get she's an 'adult' but she doesn't even seem to care that she's traveling with a stranger... she doesn't even seem to remember her parents! Also, someone from her other world? How? Wouldn't they have to have gone through Hel to do that?

Pretty nice fic but confusing all in all. And too many situations packed together.
9/21/2020 c8 Guest
what the fuck is this fic
9/17/2020 c8 understanding-rougerogue
I wish there was more to read
7/31/2020 c8 LNBarton17
This made me laugh so hard. I loved the mental image of them all on one bike.
5/6/2020 c2 14gr8rockstarrox
P.S. Love the name Halimeda! It’s unique and Grecian. Nice going!
5/6/2020 c1 gr8rockstarrox
You know what’s very hypocritical? That you criticise some writers (like me) for pairing femHarry with a male, claiming it’s inherently homophobic, and yet, two of your listed favourite authors (EyeGreaterThanThree and Carnivorous Muffin) do the same? Does your hypocrisy extend only to people you don’t like, lol?

Anyway, this is a really well written story, and it’s nice that you’re writing what you like to write. It’s the same with any other author as well. What they choose to write about has nothing to do with their sexuality or their orientation. I’m openly bi and demisexual, and I enjoy writing femHarry stories which pair her with Draco Malfoy. That’s what makes me happy.

You write what makes you happy. I’m sure the two other authors do the same too. We all only write what we want to, and there’s nothing wrong with that. So please don’t use what writers choose to write about as a way to judge their morals/character.

Let’s only spread positive vibes in the fandom. Good luck and take care!
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