Just In
for Halimeda Potter, Thinking of the Sea

7/31/2017 c8 Yobikir
so this is a Adventure/Drama ... huh
7/30/2017 c8 god of all
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
7/28/2017 c8 jadeevans30
like the story, but kinda lost now. Draco is somehow there from the old world. fury is someone from there as well. hall is something. and what is going on with her parents. etc. help please.
7/27/2017 c8 AbbeysMum
I need more please. I'm really enjoying this.
7/27/2017 c4 Lumene
Imma kinda interested why didn't Harry's 'bodyhorseguars' attacked those men the moment they tried to kidnapp Harry?

And Those SHIELD are totally joke in this world... Super professional, psst, they can't even tell a loving family from an abusive one and that Harry clearly loves her family ALOT and vise versa... How the hell are people letting organization like that to protect their own world when they clearly needed classes.

Some people are smaller than other especially girls, and it's not like Harry looks half hungry and pale all the time she is healthy and looks happy. And not to mentioned every parents has told that 'never listen to strangers and go with them' and behold those agents of course just did exactly that 'telling a child some excuse and asking her to go with them'... Aaaannnd wow if that's not prefer 'stranger is coming to take you away' speech then I'm not sure what is. So of course a little child would look scared is someone unknown wants to take her away from her loving family and coming to her when she's alone...

Not to mentioned of course Fury and other first idea is that Harry is clearly abused when she look happy and healthy like normal child (she's smaller but eh as I said some kids are just smaller that most) when her parents could 'train' her body and teaching her to control her powers to protect herself so that she won't be kidnapped easily, since she's a girl and has 'unusual powers' ya know self defense like every loving parent would in case they can't protect her. But nooo of course it's abuse... Have they even seen abuse kids? (I have as my classmate were one and you can notice it pretty fast that there's something sad and skittish around them, they carry themselves differently and is always wary about lot of things especially adults and doesn't really looks healthy, it's pretty awful really. :'( )
7/26/2017 c8 shugokage
Definitely an interesting chapter!
7/26/2017 c8 tus
Hahaha I like James and his way around muggles
7/26/2017 c8 Rydan fall
Fun fact, if SHIELD did not have fire alarms, then they are breaking several treaties and accords that they are created to uphold and protect.

Rather wonder about the escape routes and things like that.
Including emergency airlocks to contain said fire by pumping the air out.
7/26/2017 c8 2Goldenfightergirl
How the hell did Draco get there? Halimeda didn't lose control of the Elder wand did she?
7/26/2017 c8 5Kain Vixenheim
SHIELD has fire alarms?
... where do you even research that? Wiki?
7/25/2017 c8 1Tsuana97
Life, fate destiny? Any one of multiple beings that Hel might have pissed off when she brought hali over
7/25/2017 c8 TheFishKing
should't she of trumped Malfoy or just call for death?
7/24/2017 c7 6BleckBlah5956
What happened to the Thestrals? Like this please update soon as you are able too
7/14/2017 c7 Doombug
ugh pointless cliff hangers are so annoying. Consider yourself dropped.
7/13/2017 c3 1Stahchild
Your possessive adjective to indicate something belongs to you.
You're Contraction of "You are".

- Please eat "your" dinner.
- Please eat your dinner, otherwise "you're" grounded.

Hope that helps.
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