Just In
for Color Spectrum

9/27 c1 maggeyrose
Love this story! Love this Godric! Please update!
4/27 c3 tonyalambert75
I really do hope you continue the story. I really like it. I like her attitude. I think that she should be part Fay I mean, I could see her being able to telepathically send her thoughts or effect emotions may be an empath and not realize that’s why she gets angry or upset sometimes does she feeling other emotions, just an idea I like those temper her she’s the perfect match except for the cigarettes she could do without those. Keep going with the good work.
4/17 c5 21HaruhiandHikaru
7/21/2023 c5 Guest
Please! I need more! I need more! I need to know what’ll happen between the two of them! Please don’t leave it like this! I love the two of them so much!
6/26/2023 c5 FizzWizz2011
please update loving the story
3/10/2022 c5 5ajmaru
I absolutely love this story! I love how you did everything and how you made Godric. I know that it has been a while since you posted on this story but I am hoping that you continue it. I hope you are doing well and also that you are safe! Looking forward to more.
3/1/2022 c5 kenzie8904
Please update
8/19/2021 c5 Raven
I really like this book, I have read it so many times please update!
3/3/2021 c5 mandorakat
love this story. love godric and your oc is super funny. hope you continue the story
12/22/2020 c5 FindingTheSoul
I really wish this story would come back. Been so long since I last read it. It’s so funny! Love it so much. Please think about updating it.
7/11/2020 c5 Angel
love love LOVE! Absolutely can't wait for the next chapter whenever that will be ;) xoxoxo
6/11/2020 c5 Faery66
Hope to read more soon.

5/8/2020 c5 5xXxSn0wAngelxXx
I like the storyline. And I even like the OC Godric.
4/26/2020 c5 11Nurisiliel
Do you plan on updating your story? That would be nice.
4/18/2020 c4 5Haley Hampton 17
update Please
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