Just In
for Under Tail

6/4/2018 c20 Guest
Hi F14M3RZ,
Another Great Chapter I really like the character for the No Mercy Routes.
It has been a while but I wait eagerly for the next chapter.
Keep the Harem girls coming, I look forward to undyne and the monster kid joining.
Keep doing what you are doing and don't worry about time I am pretty sure all of us who like this series can wait for your next masterpiece of a chapter.
6/4/2018 c20 PonyChampion
Thanks and cant wait for more. :)
6/4/2018 c20 Reader
I'm always a sucker for good stories, and good humor!

(Oh and the sex is a nice touch I guess...)
6/2/2018 c20 2Mr. Haziq
And now we're separated from the rest...
6/1/2018 c20 Charred Spells
honestly though i find it really cool that you write such long chapters and of such quality
/especially since they've got humor, porn, plot, and character development/friendships in each one
6/1/2018 c20 3Bloodwolf432
Glad you're back. I was afraid this story was dead and done.
6/1/2018 c20 17Boggie445
Was worried about you, though something had happened
5/30/2018 c1 Uninstall
What the FUKE is this SHIT!
5/29/2018 c8 2MegaToastReviewer
Girl sans really what the hell
5/29/2018 c2 MegaToastReviewer
i like that you made it a good and bad parts for the reader to choose
5/20/2018 c19 Guest
For approximately a week, I have been viewing the posts of and exploring a special Tumblr blog that involves one of my favorite games and favorite character from that game. I am not one to get easily attached to certain people, especially not Tumblr users, but just getting to know a bit about them, about how they run their blog, reading through almost hundreds of posts, I have become addicted, obsessed with this blog, and absolutely adore it and those who run it. It is a wonderful place to be, one that I would never leave if I did not have limited internet usuage, and those who run it seem like genuinely sweet, sincere, and not to mention hilarious people. I have not felt such a strong attachment to people in so long-especially those who are simply behind a screen and barely know. Please believe me when I say that this blog-their blog-themselves as people-are nothing less than absolutely astonishing and wonderful.

However, something has come up.

One of the mods, named Sky (or Mod_Bendy) made a sudden, yet extremely saddening post-one that I have never seen before-and I've been on the internet and heard many things from many people for years now. But this one genuinely hurt-hit me right in the core. She was begging, pleading for help, I could almost imagine her face-red and shining eyes filled with tears. She loves her girlfriend-absolutely needs to get to her, but does not have the available funds that she needs. She's relying on you-on us to help her-she has no one else to turn to. I am unable to help her, but I know that at least some of you can.

Please, please! I am begging you as humbly, as hard as I can-if you're reading this, and you have spare money, please give it to her. Please, save her! Help her! I can't imagine how worse I'll feel if she is unable to get to her lover. Please! Please!

If you cannot give her funds for nothing, then email her! Purchase a commission. Or, if you have nothing to give, then just spread this mesage around! Get on your Tumblr and reblog this. Copy and paste this message, and put it on your favorite websites. This is not a bot, nor is it a lie. I am begging you, please hear me, hear her!

Help her: gofundme needing-an-escape
5/14/2018 c11 megaboto.t.1.0
LV 4. not LV 3,LV 4. the gonocide one reached LV 3 while raping toriel
5/14/2018 c5 megaboto.t.1.0
could it be that underlust sans wrote the pacifist and lustfell sans the no mercy? anyways,I love those puns
5/14/2018 c5 megaboto.t.1.0
actualy,you reach LV two after the no mercy(genocide=killing) what chara now has,it should be LV two and a half(or so because you get almost LV 4 once you kill everybody except toriel)
5/13/2018 c2 megaboto.t.1.0
this is an interesting idea,rape= I think it'd be better if player would kill them in some way,if they would rape anyone
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