Just In
for Under Tail

7/26/2022 c30 Guest
terezi gaming at it's finest
7/24/2022 c30 FunyAndClevrName
Finally it has returned. thank you jesus
6/23/2022 c30 Legi
Can't wait for more
6/23/2022 c30 noobz4u14
Your updates are always worth the wait! Keep up the good work, because we're all excited to see where the story goes next!
6/21/2022 c30 Eedura
wasn't expecting Red to show up. loved that character. good shit
6/16/2022 c30 45PuzzleMaster1998
I pray Asriel can be saved. I look forward to more
6/16/2022 c30 2Mr. Haziq
Well hello there. Been a while.
4/8/2022 c1 Guest
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lives in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that the best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that read this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00 a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on the site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake, apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow...,...Q
11/12/2021 c29 Guest
Glad to see your back me author
10/26/2021 c29 noobz4u14
I don't mind waiting for quality content updates. Take time to enjoy yourself so you don't get burned out, and we'll all be happier with what you have time to write for us!
10/26/2021 c29 Mr. Haziq
It's good that this isn't dead.
10/26/2021 c29 Inoobe
I like this story a lot. I really only read the pacifist parts so I'm glad those have stayed good. With all the friends the main character has made I'd think at least one of them would travel with him, maybe that's something to think about doing at some point. I think I'm the no mercy route Frisk is running along with his harem/slaves, in the pacifist route he/they could go travel with some friends. I also like that he doesn't actually get raped everytime and stay empathetic, he find ways to resolve issues without getting raped.
I also hope that towards the end, even if they do make it back to the human world like they've been striving for, that they decide to go back to the monster world and meet/stay with their friends and kids. I think some of the earliest chapters were the most wholesome and Toriel is one of my favorite characters, so I'd like if eventually we went back and saw old characters again, and the main character maybe ends up staying in the ruins/around Toriel's house with all his friends and kids.
Especially considering he's had a few kids by this point in the story that's something for him to go back to see. I understand them wanting to get back to their world, but I'd really like to see more on earlier relationships after the they're able to make the choice to leave or stay in the monster world or go between the two. I've either missed it or I don't remember it since this is the first time I've read a chapter in a while, but I don't know why the main character really cares about going back to the human world other than that they're determined to and a lot of the monster world was dangerous to them, at least at first.
Do they have family to get back to?
Otherwise they've made a lot of family and friends in the monster world.
I think I rambled a lot but it essentially all boiled down to I hope the main character stays in the monster world and we see more wholesome friend/family dynamics and this ends/progresses into telling more story around a wholesome family/harem story with characters like Toriel and a lot of the others coming together/netting back up and staying closer together.
8/27/2021 c28 Guest
You have a great story, I love your creativity please keep going and stay determined lol
8/20/2021 c28 sirmikeshark
i never get tired of reading this but im wondering when will it update to the next chapter with the new pacifist and no mercy parts
8/5/2021 c28 Venomman
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