Just In
for Under Tail

5/2/2016 c8 2Bloodred739
a part of me is waiting to hear thisoooooh I'm making such a difference by fucking random strangers!" and the other part of me can't wait to hear Undyne say "Yes master." XD
5/2/2016 c1 Ultrabot Ultimus The Hedgehog
I hope to god this isn't a half life 3 thing. Under Tail chp 9 never to be seen.
5/2/2016 c8 Midnightsalem
Dude thanks for keeping this going (let's hope it turns out this story isn't cursed XD) ignore what the haters say, you will soon find out most of them are too scared to show themselves and post annonymously. Hope this goes well with you!
5/2/2016 c8 3ThatUnholyAfro
This story is cursed, m8. 3spooky5u
5/2/2016 c8 ComatoseCanine225
I'm happy that this Fan-Fiction is coming back and don't let the haters bother you i hope yo can do this fic good and may the Fo-LUCK OF THE IRISH! be with you...
5/2/2016 c1 Troll
End your existence
5/2/2016 c1 Mr.deathright
All i can say id pls do this fic justice and good luck and also to any haters (go fall and trip in a hole ya asses) good luck again man.
5/2/2016 c8 3PersonaQeminod1
Hello. I hope you can do this chapter and i give my full support for you. I'm wondering if you well use fan made Undertail Character like Red in this story or not?
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