Just In
for Crystalline Dreams

1/6/2017 c10 FieldPlace
(Throws hands up) I give! What the hell is James besides creepy? Is he a saytr? Thanks for yet another update.
1/6/2017 c10 1Sazzle76
James is such a creeper! Interested to see what happens next : )
1/5/2017 c10 3SarahlouiseDodge
oh don't mess with Sarah
1/5/2017 c10 142LabyrinthDavidBowieWildcats32
I hope Jareth and Sarah see each other soon in this story.
1/4/2017 c9 3SarahlouiseDodge
well that's an interesting family dynamic
1/4/2017 c9 KBates
Oh man, Jareth's grandmother sounds beyond scary. Interesting fic. His family dynamics seems deliciously twisted. I absolutely adore this kind of dysfunction. Will definitely read more.
1/4/2017 c9 FieldPlace
Ew, Nana! Stop! Great chapter. Loved the description of the battle and the action. The part with his grandmother, I'll have to admit, was a little shocking, but I'm sure that's what you were going for here with how you've set up her character. Thanks for the update!
1/4/2017 c8 FieldPlace
You are a cruel, fickle heart. :-) Congrats on your promo. Wondering who the creepy stalker is? Doesn't seem to be GK. One of those damned northern fae? Just a yummy guy? Staying tuned...
1/4/2017 c1 Honoria Granger
Nicely written, but I don't dig fics where Jareth is married to another, however unhappily. I know you'll have him end up with Sarah, or at least I hope so, but I just can't. Good luck with this!
1/4/2017 c9 1Sazzle76
Woah that is one freaky visit to grandma, Little Red Riding Hood ain't got nothing on that shit! I must say I really like the twists and scenes of this fic, so far it's been pretty unpredictable which is a refreshing change. The battle scene was great too, a job well done : )
1/4/2017 c8 Sazzle76
Who is James...

Glad to see you are back, I was wondering what happened to this fic. I hope you are able to continue and am liking more info on Sarah. Until next time : )
5/11/2016 c7 FieldPlace
Those damned northern fae! Can't a, Goblin King have a decent, uninterrupted dream?!
5/11/2016 c7 Sazzle76
You're just evil, pray continue : )
5/9/2016 c5 FieldPlace
Loved the insight into Jareth's thoughts and the additional backstory about the northern fae in Ch 5.
5/9/2016 c6 Sazzle76
I like the inclusion of the political situation of the Goblin Kingdom and am interested to see if Jareth plans on doing anything about his obsession with his Champion. Wherever the story takes you it is working so far, looking forward to the next chapter.
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