8/25/2016 c1 5DW.Supernatural
This is really good so far. The storyline is interesting, and the reader wants to find out more about multiple points:
•Rebecca. Who is she? How did she meet Sam?
•She mentioned that they acted like a family (John, Dean, Sam, Bobby, Rebecca). How did they become so close? Also, if she and Dean are now dating they must be around the same age (unless the relationship is like the one Bobby had with a thirty-year-old woman while in his sixties). Therefore if they are 'old friends' they must have known each other ten years or so, meaning she knew about hunting in her teens. She didn't get into hunting herself then, it was her parent/s. Do we know this/these parent/s? Is/are he/she/they still alive?
•The relationship between her and Dean would also be interesting to find out more about.
Overall, it's well written with (forgive me if I'm mistaken) no mistakes. These questions I raised are all buzzing around my head after reading, so good job on raising enough questions to keep the reader really interested. I hope they'll get answered in further chapters.
Again I really enjoyed this story so far and can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon!
This is really good so far. The storyline is interesting, and the reader wants to find out more about multiple points:
•Rebecca. Who is she? How did she meet Sam?
•She mentioned that they acted like a family (John, Dean, Sam, Bobby, Rebecca). How did they become so close? Also, if she and Dean are now dating they must be around the same age (unless the relationship is like the one Bobby had with a thirty-year-old woman while in his sixties). Therefore if they are 'old friends' they must have known each other ten years or so, meaning she knew about hunting in her teens. She didn't get into hunting herself then, it was her parent/s. Do we know this/these parent/s? Is/are he/she/they still alive?
•The relationship between her and Dean would also be interesting to find out more about.
Overall, it's well written with (forgive me if I'm mistaken) no mistakes. These questions I raised are all buzzing around my head after reading, so good job on raising enough questions to keep the reader really interested. I hope they'll get answered in further chapters.
Again I really enjoyed this story so far and can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon!
8/4/2016 c1 shadowrose666
I personally would like to see you carry on with this one. Looks like it could be good .
I personally would like to see you carry on with this one. Looks like it could be good .