Just In
for The Loudest Silence

9/10/2023 c29 Rosiekay
Im fhcking screaming this is so damn good bro although i wanna strangle baby girl thorin i love him but hes so fucking stubborn GAHH anywyas please please please i need more author person obv whenever yoh get the chance lol i just pumped out a full day reading this in one go instead of doing homework
9/8/2023 c29 LoveMeSomeFili
I’m sooo glad you’re back. Just saying.
9/3/2023 c29 RavenHuffle
I'm so glad you're still writing this story! I'd pretty much accepted that there wouldn't be any more updates, so it was a lovely surprise to get the email for chapter 28! The narrative voice is the same as I remember, so it was easy to jump straight back in like no time had passed. I'm also glad that Jenna and Thorin's relationship is moving along faster than I'd been expecting; you write their interactions and developing connection so beautifully and it's a joy to read. You've got Thorin's aura and characterisation down really well, so his implied increasing attachment to Jenna doesn't feel rushed or OOC.

Even though we're still relatively early on in the canon story, I'm actually happy with that as it means we've still got so much more to enjoy and look forward to! Your writing's really engaging and I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of the story.

On a related note, I'm really glad you're doing better now and I hope for your sake that it continues :)
9/2/2023 c29 12Durinsdottir
I think I was holding my breath for most of the latter end of the chapter lol Working backwards, damn, I totally get the dilemma. Of all the things they'll encounter on the quest, Azog is THE most personal, even more than Smaug! The dragon's like a force of nature, a natural disaster, but Azog has up close and personal history. I think it's a good call for Jenna to have warned him- like imagine him seeing Azog on the mountainside and then figuring out that Jenna knew he was alive and hunting them and said nothing... Even if she knew they'd escape, that's close to betrayal... However, now, she's got bonus points incoming :D I like Thorin's reaction, it seems believable that he wouldn't even be able to process that being true, while Balin was like "I'm too old for shit to surprise me".

I also love how conflicted Jenna is at Thorin's reaction. Like pissed because how could he think she'd tell him something like that and NOT be sure. But also recognizes that he's got hella trauma and is probably having flashbacks and wants to comfort him. But also wants to flip him off XD The payoff will be sweet...



The other issue of trusting these characters as real people is so on point! Emily's going to constantly struggle with that and giving up control, assuming she has any lol. The group splitting up had me so nervous, even meta knowing that you wouldn't just kill off Thorin, off screen no less LOL. I legit got knots in my stomach, waiting for them to return lol. And then... Girl. You slayed me with soft romance. Jenna gently guiding his chin - clutches my heart- and administering aid - ACK IM PALPATING- and he's too shy to look at first- ON THE FLOOR- and then they make eye contact-! And he saved her soap... This is so fucking sweet.

"This is the best romantic torture." - that's my book cover review lol
9/2/2023 c1 FROGGER 2023
I am Frogger 2023, a secret spy member of the Critics United, and I have been tasked with telling you about our new mission.
As you may know, Critics United hates autistic people as they are evil and disgusting and they do not deserve to live. This story is pigshit and it makes me think you are autistic! Please kindly go scrape off all of your skin, pour bleach and salt into your eyes, rip out all of your hair, throw yourself into a dumpster, and allow yourself to get slowly devoured by maggots and flies as you starve to death. Stop getting vaccines you moronic mouth-breather. At Critics United, we must ensure that no autistic people are allowed to live comfortably in our society.
For more information about the wonderful CU forum, go here: fanfiction dot net /forum/Critics-United/78623/
9/1/2023 c29 7MaggYme
1st of: Gloin what the fuck?! Next time better say nothing! Well ye already followed that advice and got a shovel on your head by Dwalin... who can propably kill with that stuff...

2. for fucks Sake Thorin! Yeah , learning the truth is shit .. but dammit! hope you saw how she annihilated poor Dwalin afterwards and you feel bad!

dang it..

you had me in the first half when you split them up... I was sooo damn sure something would happen and I was at the edge of my seat!
loved this chapter sooooo much!
8/31/2023 c12 Guest
Very sensible, and only Bofur or maybe Bifur would’ve suggested learning Iglismek.
8/30/2023 c29 1Quinn Aries
Thorin hits a great balance between chivalric and jackass, I love it. Also love how the entire company is already shipping it, real r/whoooosh moment hahaha
8/30/2023 c29 6FelineNinjaGrace
Oh my goodness. I really dont know where to even START with this chapter? Maybe with the fact that just the looks and glances between Jenna and Thorin speak more than a hundred words could? Or maybe how Oin TOTALLY set the two of them up and how he was watching her without her noticing and her hand on Thorins beard was soooo romantic? Or how, literally EVERYONE in camp know that Thorenna is real because they know their King and how he’s different around her (cough Balin cough). Or how sweet it was that when he relinquished Jenna over to Bofur that he didnt want to let go? (Sqweeeee!)

Gosh. I’m just….. so happy!
8/30/2023 c29 Kelwtim2spar
I think Thorin is just in shock, but I also think he might be starting to see Jenna as more than just a friend. Thanks for the update.
8/30/2023 c29 5Etherweil
Great chapter! So happy you are continuing this
8/21/2023 c28 13Faron Oakenshield
YAY! youre back! had to go back and reread the story to remember where i were and what transpired, but yay! i had no inkling that Jean had survive the warg attack, this was a complete surprise! i cant wait for the next chapter!
8/21/2023 c28 Guest
YES! I’m so happy you’ve started updating again, can’t wait for the next chapter. Absolutely love this story!
Happy to hear you’re doing well, look after yourself. Xx
8/20/2023 c28 7MaggYme
woooohooooo you are Back! and with what a vhapter! loved every little piece of it...
though God... the thing they smelled was him?! that means he was freaking close to the camp 0.o ...
I would lie if I said I wouldn't love an earlier next chapter... but I will wait as long as I have to when it means one of my favorite Hobbit fanfics get continued <3
8/18/2023 c28 5emilyjane138
DAMN! that was a great chapter! I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT! will Jenna ever talk?
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