Just In
for The Loudest Silence

5/30/2016 c3 1Weighty Ghost
Wow, this is great! I honestly almost didn't read it, because usually I just go straight to what I specifically want to read, but I'm glad I did! I'm so excited to read more. I'm also really curious, especially about her tattoo. I liked how you began the story, though it was pretty sad :( because it immediately had me hooked! I don't actually know if I have any criticism for this, which is rare! Anyway, good luck with writing the next chapter!
Weighty Ghost
5/30/2016 c3 Koba
I'm enjoying this intro to ME Arielle-style. No talking means she can't spill her guts but her reactions show she knows something. I like that the Ur brothers aren't clueless and have the ability to read her body language. They've been written off as yokels too often but they seem to me they would need strong social skills dealing with others since they're not part of the ruling family. Bofur might play the silly drunk but he's keen and has a good read on people. Bomber the quiet introvert who sees more than he let's on. Bifur gets lost easily but he isn't scary or overwhelming. Great job!
5/30/2016 c3 Guest
This is really good. I don't typically like the whole of falls into middle earth concept but this is very enjoyable
5/30/2016 c3 Hobbitpony1
Sly Wizard! Pesky things they be. The Ur brothers are definitely my spirit animals. You write them beautifully! Can't wait to she meets Mr. Hot Dwarf Grumpy Pants!
5/21/2016 c2 Hobbitpony1
Really fun chapter! And what better dwarves to find ya than those three!
5/18/2016 c2 Tiphen
Okay you have my attention. I'm looking forward to reading more real soon. So keep up the good work.
5/17/2016 c2 Kaylala.BooksandCandy
This is really good :) can't wait to read more!
5/17/2016 c2 Guest
I really like this story. Its definitely becoming a favorite. It's well written, with an intruiging plot and story line. Can't wait for the next update!
~ Whovianeverlark17
5/16/2016 c2 1lullabydono
I Am so intrigued by this story. It's off to a great start! Don't give up on it!
5/16/2016 c2 12Durinsdottir
This is the kind of story that I wish I'd found late, when it was on chapter 20 or something just so I could binge read through it. Omg, I'm hooked already. It's a really refreshing take on the "girl falls into ME" plot. Really enjoying it and Jenna- what a clever way to introduce herself! Her driver's license, such logic.

I'm loving how you write the Dwarves; they seem pretty spot on. Lucky that she landed with the three most outwardly trusting of the company- the others might have been way more suspicious of her character. Though after seeing her tat, that might change... Interesting because the brothers shouldn't outright recognize the map, nor read the moon runes, but they sure as heck could pick out the Lonely Mt.

This is so good! And thanks for the shout out! Have no fear, your story is awesome already!
5/16/2016 c1 Stale Meme Machine
but...what is her tattoo of...
5/16/2016 c2 obsessed reader
Another great chapter!
5/16/2016 c1 Kelly
I really liked your first chapter-keep it up!
5/15/2016 c1 Guest
Kudos to you. I'm definitely interested in reading more. Good job so far! :)
~ Whovianeverlark17
5/15/2016 c1 BooBoo33
Interesting and different. I like it.
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