Just In
for Raven's Wrath

4/7 c2 starboy454
Excellent story so far
1/11/2021 c2 1ShadowRealmComics
Interesting concept and turn of events. I look forward to reading more when you come back to this story if you are still writing it or writing. I have not yet checked you profile to see your others works. Keep it up.
7/26/2020 c2 Jacob Fritzsching
Please update your story soon!
5/11/2020 c1 Guest
You fail to complete your previous one and then start this one. Talk about poll when you do not even has a profile. For a suppose India person you do not write English so most probably are just another moron on a closet afraid that reality hit you. Another crap page thanks God is as dead as it could get.
8/23/2018 c2 Argonaut986
Bellatrix is NOT one of the harem? I HOPE the answer is yes. Please update as soon as possible.
8/23/2018 c1 Argonaut986
Wow, just wow.
4/10/2018 c2 Bronze
I can swear I never read this chapter before. Now then, may I make you my chew toy? :) Ya, I didn't miss that Bella is absolutely BATSHIT CRAZY! Had Harry not been as powerful as he is, she likely would've attacked him somewhere during their talk. This is a good story but I'm guessing that English isn't your first language. Find yourself a native English speaker as a Bata and both stories will improve greatly. Unfortunately I can't help you there. I barely know where to break paragraphs. As to punctuation, I guess at best. I started reading your other story but wanted to see how this one was. Now I'm awaiting updates to both instead of just one. Please keep writing. You'll only improve if you do. Thanks for what you've posted.
4/10/2018 c1 Bronze
Was this ever posted before? I clearly remember this chapter. I can't say for chapter 2 at the moment. Now about this story. I see the meddlesome fingers of an old fool in Harry going to the Dursley's. Maybe even a few compulsion charms as well. Just to help them see things his way you understand. Of course when he meets Harry/Wrath, he's gonna have a whole lot of underwear to clean everytime thereafter.
1/29/2018 c1 XavierChaos
An OC inhabiting the body of Harry does not mean it is Harry. This is more akin to a a IS/OC story using Harry's form. If he merged with Harry's soula nd such than I might beable to udnerstand thigns but due tot he manner of is a bit bland. Quite a bit of false advertising and almost generic in how its handled. I had a bit of hope for the story from the intro but that quickly became disappointment. You should change the pairings and such since this an OC rather than Harry
11/10/2017 c2 maestro de la flama blanca
actualiza el capitulo 3 por favor
7/30/2017 c2 AzureSoulReaper
very different waiting for more
7/30/2017 c1 AzureSoulReaper
nice start
7/16/2017 c2 Jannie07
This is a great story, is it going to continue?
7/14/2017 c1 Mutant Ascension
So pretty much the same idiotic plot as every other wrong boy who live story with James and Lily of all people treating one of their children like discarded garbage especially Lily considering she Hates arrogance which is one of the reasons she Hated James at first, Lilly who would die for her children.

See a wrong boy who lived story with a TWIST would have been Lily and James loving their children regardless of whichever one of them is given that title now that would be a twist since that is what the REAL Lily and James would do. I would love to write such a story myself but unfortunately I'm far better at coming up with ideas and drawing than I am at writing.
7/6/2017 c2 1ILikeHotDogs
You still writing? I hope you are, love this story.
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