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for Green and Silver Tie

8/19/2016 c2 HeRonLove
There Draco goes being selfish and dragging Ron down with him. I am so happy Harry and Hermione didn't get caught.
8/19/2016 c1 HeRonLove
Wow Ron is vile, I hope he doesn't stay that way.
8/17/2016 c7 5HappyTerrier
What I like about your writing is the delightful descriptions that you include to describe the effect of the rain on Hermione. And I could really connect to the loneliness Hermione felt this chapter. A really interesting story so far, I like how you don't stray from the awful actions Prejudice Slytherins might do.
8/14/2016 c7 32WeasleyIsMyKing540
Ron calling her a Mudblood made me cringe. My poor mean Won-Won hurry up and be good!

Good chapter. Looking forward to the next :)
8/13/2016 c7 4MysteriousWitch64
Aww, I loved the moment between Hermione and Ron. Another step closer to falling in a pool full of love! Awaiting for an update! :D
8/13/2016 c7 13chemrunner57
Cool story, not sure where it's going, but I am intrigued.
8/13/2016 c7 Gja03
Looking forward for more !
8/13/2016 c7 2JeanAndBilius
Wow! What's going on between them? You can sense something implied in the way you've written it - excellent!
8/9/2016 c1 Anon
This is really good! I love what you're doing here. Will Ron and Hermione eventually fall in love ? I hope so!

Though I'll admit I flinched the first few times Ron called her a 'Mudblood' but after that I found Slytherin!Ron to be kind of hot.
Keep up the good work! And yes, i am the same one who reviewed your other story :)
7/30/2016 c6 Guest
Oh my goodness hermione just messed up big time! What was she thinking?!
7/30/2016 c6 Gja03
Looking forward for ur next chapter ! Please let it be soon
7/30/2016 c6 4MysteriousWitch64
I feel bad for Ginny. Even though she doesn't really do anything to Ron's tormenting to Hermione, she still went through deep crap. She literally got disowned by her parents which is horrible. Then, there's George and Fred who made me grin like an idiot at their prank to Dean. The ending though is left me hanging with the possibilities Ron might do to Hermione, after she had been caught. Taking note by the sneer, he might talk to her and just scare her off.

Anyways, I loved the chapter! It's cute how Hermione thinks about Ron, *insert sarcasm* I wonder why. I liked how Harry was so excited to go to Hogsmeade with Ginny. I think Harry's happy side was rarely seen from books 6 and 7 (except for the epilogue), which is perfectly understandable because there's a frickin war coming their way and their just young adults. It was refreshing to just see Harry not dealing with angst. Update soon! :D
7/30/2016 c1 Crazytulip
Good work I love a wicked( not evil) Ron the tension is mounting
7/30/2016 c6 32WeasleyIsMyKing540
Good chapter. Glad that some Romione is coming up and I'm excited to see how you will bring it up.

And Hermione should chill off Ginny. After all, Ron is a brother and if she feels like they still have a bond, she can't help that.
7/30/2016 c6 2JeanAndBilius
Good cliffhanger - Hermione is in the shit now but also start of their relationship proper? Liking this!
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