Just In
for Green and Silver Tie

2/1/2022 c29 liak3
I love your storyyyyyy. Amazing chapter
2/1/2022 c29 James Birdsong
Cool and/or awesome
2/1/2022 c29 Aishakhankhara
Wohoooo they finally kissed
2/1/2022 c29 HeRonLove
The tropics Snape is the man that is a nice safehouse much better than #12. I finally got the kiss I wanted for them and the bonus was then saying I love you to each other great chapter.
2/1/2022 c28 HeRonLove
I am so happy that they got away! Where did that portkey take them and how are the others?
2/1/2022 c29 6Cheerra12
I don’t know, I feel like they should have stayed and fought
1/30/2022 c24 Vari
Great fanfic!
1/21/2022 c28 Guest
Me encantan tus historias, por favor no dejes de escribir
1/21/2022 c28 13chemrunner57
I'm glad Draco is showing some reluctance, also glad Hermione and Ron are getting closer. Hopefully they will recognize and confess their feelings soon.
1/6/2022 c27 HeRonLove
Well at least Draco is trying to be nice for Ron’s benefit that is more than I can say for Harry. Hermione is so cute when Ron is flirting with her.
12/30/2021 c1 RSRH4LF
This is very a interesting take on the parts that actually make them just click. I like your style. Please complete it
12/27/2021 c26 HeRonLove
The nerve of Harry, who does he think he is to tell her to end her friendship with Ron, I am so happy that Hermione stood her ground and told him NO and still got the map! I can't wait to see what happens between Ron and for the update and as always brilliant writing.
12/27/2021 c25 iiNeo
That and I'm getting tired of this one sided Harry bashing. After all everything is his fault right? Hermoine did nothing wrong and is perfect right.. right?
12/27/2021 c25 HeRonLove
Great chapter. I hope Hermione can make Ron feel better Arthur is a real piece of work telling that to his child. Fred was awful too. As always love your writing.
12/27/2021 c26 iiNeo
Awfully funny when you have to use someone else's property lol
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