Just In
for Green and Silver Tie

12/20/2021 c25 Ronnie11
love it wow it's getting better and better i m in love with this story .u r amazingly talented plz update soon
12/19/2021 c25 sunshinemeIIow
ahhh i’ve missed you! great chapter like always :)
12/19/2021 c25 tryntee13
Great chapter! I enjoyed that they are their for each other. I also love how you're weaving some elements of canon (the ear) into the story. Great job!
12/19/2021 c25 James Birdsong
Great in my opinion
11/29/2021 c24 HeRonLove
School first we will be here when you do update
11/28/2021 c24 Guest
You are an amazing writer I thought I was going to hate this when I started but it’s actually really amazing and you have done a great job slowly incorporating the friendship (or maybe more ;) ) into this story you are a great writer one to rival Eoin Colfer and that would be a battle I want to see
11/24/2021 c23 Ronnie11
plz update
11/24/2021 c23 Ronnie11
plz continue
10/26/2021 c23 CosmoKiwi
Loving this story
10/8/2021 c23 BingeReader123
Thanks for the update, can't wait for the next one!
10/8/2021 c23 HeRonLove
I loved that Ron called her our on her quick forgiveness of Harry. I loved how he pointed out all of Harry's shortcomings in regards to their friendship. I loved that his reply letter from his mum came when they were together and they were able to talk about it. I can't wait to read what Hermione's reaction will be to what he wrote. Update soon please!
10/8/2021 c23 James Birdsong
Good twenty-two chapters.
10/8/2021 c23 2JeanAndBilius
Great cliffhanger!
9/28/2021 c22 JeanAndBilius
Thanks for the update - great!
9/28/2021 c22 1LilyJean630
I’m glad they are straightened out!
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