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for Percy Jackson The Dark Gamer

1/3/2022 c32 Thestoryman101
Please come back to this
12/10/2021 c33 Guest
Nutsofthechest please come back and make more Percy Jackson fanfics. I’ve been reading your work since 2016 in middle school. All of your stories are amazing and diverse, and they give me the content I’m searching for. I just wanted to let you know that I will always be a fan of your work and that I hope you make content again. If you don’t I will just look back on your previous content. But if you would make new content that would be amazing, and I would be highly appreciative.
A massive fan boy
11/25/2021 c33 Umbra Operative
I have read this story over 5 times, it is most likely my favorite story. It is truly a shame it was never completed...
11/24/2021 c21 Eaglehuntsman
There was no reason for him to loose all the drops from the wolf, he literally discovered a method to duplicate the crystal for this exact situation. Every chapter that comes out makes me doubt his intelligence
11/24/2021 c20 Eaglehuntsman
Since when did he become a fucking slave merchant. He is no better than that lord that caused his death as well as gabe
11/22/2021 c33 C0D33
Just finished rereading this once again. Reminds me that this is one of my favorites and one of my benchmarks for when I read other fanfiction. Don't know if the rewrite is ever gonna happen at this point but if it does I look forward to it.
11/20/2021 c11 seanedwardfaren1
wow, Phineas and Ferb huh?
11/16/2021 c25 Guest
I know you have stopped writing but god DAMN you know how to write a lemon!
11/17/2021 c7 KuroKatBone
wtf are the numbers in the
11/14/2021 c18 Guest
This man should make a fuckin video game.
11/12/2021 c3 tfuinsah
I really hope this isn't one of those fics where he kills an absurdly higher levelled opponent and only gets a couple levels. Killing it and surviving where he absolutely should've died without plot armor is definitely worth more than a few levels.
11/5/2021 c33 2JA50N
Are you ever going to finish this story
10/26/2021 c1 Gold397
This guys probably deleted the app or is dead and you idiots are still commenting like he sees this shit
10/6/2021 c4 4Scorpion.Sorcerer7
Hello, I know this is a useless nitpick, but :D
The chance from Common and Uncommon weapons should be 0.03% and 0.09%.
Otherwise, you go down in percentage for Rare and Epic weapons.
Here's the excerpt:
10% chance to learn weapon skills/masteries from weapons you eat (.2% more each level)

-(.3% chance from Common weapons)

-(.9% chance from Uncommon weapons)

-(.27% chance from Rare weapons)

-(.81% chance from Epic weapons)

-(2.43% chance from Legendary weapons)

-(7.29% chance from Ancient weapons)

-(21.87% chance from Phantasmal weapons)
9/30/2021 c10 yahiro365
Having a great time with this story so far! Really fun to read
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