7/27/2016 c9 1Hunting Nightshade
ughh why does it have to end? love OP percy. makes it interesting. can't wait for the wizard test and where percy beats zoe... or not and that's fine too, but he better find out about her soon. also shouldn't percy want to learn water magic now since it will make him stronger and he seems to want that. you're such an awesome writer that even a filler chapter like this is kick ass. update soon please!
ughh why does it have to end? love OP percy. makes it interesting. can't wait for the wizard test and where percy beats zoe... or not and that's fine too, but he better find out about her soon. also shouldn't percy want to learn water magic now since it will make him stronger and he seems to want that. you're such an awesome writer that even a filler chapter like this is kick ass. update soon please!
7/27/2016 c9 sudhush
nicely done chapter regarding the different tests man loved it can't wait to see what other five hold. Keep up the Great Work man.
nicely done chapter regarding the different tests man loved it can't wait to see what other five hold. Keep up the Great Work man.
7/27/2016 c9 That guy Josh
I fully expected Gaia to say something along the lines of 'Nah im just messing with you' when talking about a nice Nancy Bobfit
I fully expected Gaia to say something along the lines of 'Nah im just messing with you' when talking about a nice Nancy Bobfit
7/27/2016 c9 3L. Wolf123
Curse you and your amazing writing. I want more and more and more but you keep it all to yourself.
I know it takes time to write and to write in this quality is probably very hard. I am thankful you write u love every single chapter from every story you write even the incoherent ones. Take your time and keep it up you are amazing. Absolutely amazing.
Curse you and your amazing writing. I want more and more and more but you keep it all to yourself.
I know it takes time to write and to write in this quality is probably very hard. I am thankful you write u love every single chapter from every story you write even the incoherent ones. Take your time and keep it up you are amazing. Absolutely amazing.
7/27/2016 c9 meenthetho
So is it frowned apon to have a relationship with your spirit great chapter btw
So is it frowned apon to have a relationship with your spirit great chapter btw
7/27/2016 c9 frankieu
nice chapter looking forward to more chapters hoping to see the war paint guy from naruto in the popet class could be fun as a side character :D
nice chapter looking forward to more chapters hoping to see the war paint guy from naruto in the popet class could be fun as a side character :D
7/26/2016 c8 Alex2909
kinda liking the story, love the idea of gaia being paired with percy. wonder who the others will be
kinda liking the story, love the idea of gaia being paired with percy. wonder who the others will be