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for Percy Jackson The Dark Gamer

7/20/2016 c1 HaywireEagle
Going to be honest. This seems more like an OC named Percy than anything. The character is wrong on a fundamental mannerisms, attitude, speech, and the like. Plus, it isn't really a PJ fic without his water powers. It is like HP without magic.
7/19/2016 c8 Guest
Please add
7/19/2016 c8 Guest
I am enjoying the progression. Will you skip through most of the academy stuff or are you going to take it through the classes?
That moment when you go to press the 'next' button but the realize it is not fucking there... :( Great chapter though even if its a little slow but i understand it's still that beginning .
7/18/2016 c8 3A Trash Mob
Is miss night Thalia?
7/18/2016 c8 vampwalker709
Come on man really i get he can't become to op to fast

but him purposely staying away from a whole branch

of magic just to stop him from learning it super fast

makes no sense especially with his background on

how he became a then that loved it.

Though i was a little sad ther was no lemon.
7/18/2016 c8 lonetigar20
Can't wait to see what happens in the tests :)
7/18/2016 c8 Suzunaan
Ms. NIGHT...
Very powerful...
Nyx ?
7/18/2016 c8 1Hunting Nightshade
LOVE IT. LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH. I can't believe you're doing a 10 person harem. I've never seen more than 6, this is so ambitious and awesome. I'm glad you have gaea and Zoe already in there, but I also hope calypso, Nyx and someone more creative like Medusa or arachne (in human form) since they were supposedly the most beautiful back in ancient Greece and were only transformed because of jealously. Also is percy going to get immortality eventually and is this going to be a chaos story?
7/18/2016 c8 Aggrandize
Faith boost?
7/18/2016 c8 4ThatNerdFromSchool
Where are people getting stuff like berserk armor and mimic slime? I just thought you were making this up as you went but is the world that Percy is in actually another story written by an author?
7/18/2016 c2 SneakyPanda
Another awesome chapter for an awesome story :D
7/18/2016 c1 SneakyPanda
Berserk! :D Nice first chapter this looks awesome can't wait to see Percy's adventures!
7/18/2016 c8 V1602
Will Percy be stronger than the gods, also is his race like a strong top-tier race or is he just a bit different from a human? Also, will be in the harem
7/18/2016 c8 Guest
Love it! Gaea is SO cute when she's possessive! Can you give it a few chapters before you make another harem member show up? Also is ms night an reincarnation of one of the immortals? Also, did the fates also reincarnate?
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