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for Percy Jackson The Dark Gamer

5/29/2016 c2 Darknaim
Is Percy human or that's just a cover up. Because I'd like to see half demon half angel Percy. A Nephilim might be good.
5/28/2016 c2 justafan
alright percys mother is dead he now has a OP as shit skill with swords so a 10 point damage weapon will hit 94.7 points of damage plus percys other sword style i hope they stack together if so all percy needs is a good sword around 50 points of damage and thats 475 points of damage so a thousand years for the gods to return huh bet zues is gonna be a asshole hope percy curvestomps his ass hope percy gets a harem in this fic hope so that isaac dude is a ass to wonder since percy was once the son of poseidon if he will be OP in water magic as well if percy does get a harem gaia should definately be in it anyway great chapter and cant wait fof the next one.
5/28/2016 c1 justafan
awesome bro i love the other percy jackson the game and i hope yours will do just as well just a couple of questions first can percy gain skills from his memorys like he watched naruto gets chakra dbz ki and eventually super saiyan things like that and what do you mean percy isnt alone is there people from his world here as well hope he gets a harem super powerfull badass deserves a harem hope he gets the evolution perk later maybe become something like juubito cause think he looks badass anyway great first chapter.
5/28/2016 c2 SirDishd
Quiet amazing yes...more MORE I SAY!
5/28/2016 c2 vampwalker709
Haha fuckers suck it i was first and for my favor i asked for

percy to be raped like gatt lol enjoy.

jk. Great chapter man thanks for the update love him getting

to keep his sword skills eager for more.
5/27/2016 c2 dude
hey, can you make it so that it goes back to being old universe?
5/27/2016 c2 KFJ21
only 2 chapters in and its already one of the few stories that i am willing to wait for updates
Seriously, great story so far
5/27/2016 c2 Guest
When i first saw this story I assumed it would be another version of Percy Jackson and the Game. I was dead wrong. Keep going!
5/27/2016 c2 HotDog Smoothie
great story, it’s very hard to find good gamer stories, this one comes in third, only for the fact that its on its second chapter. other then that keep up the great work
5/26/2016 c2 Guest
Awsome! I think this has the potiential to be your best story yet.
5/26/2016 c2 Trigger-Happy Texan
what is your update schedule?
5/26/2016 c2 ethan.lukkar
Magnificent chapter can't wait for more please update soon.
5/26/2016 c2 Ceuron4k
It's starting a little slow but that's to be expected when you are basicly starting from scratch...
Definitely enjoying this has a lot of potential, and I mean infinite potential do to the universe law
5/26/2016 c2 ArgentumArm
Is the Angel girl a future relation ship not to far but see them in the future and help/receive help from them? How much change could he possibly bring and will we only read one Cycle or more?
5/26/2016 c2 10Lady.Luci.Lucifer
Wow! Another amazing chapter. I really, really (insert [infinity sign] reallys here) love this story already! I hope to see more soon?
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