Just In
for Love beyond life

6/14/2013 c1 olivia.brown.777363
11/4/2012 c1 Chicket the Chic
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Now I'm sad! I'm sorry, but i hate sad stories! Well written but sad!
6/13/2006 c1 marileibis
yay but no kids lol oh well
11/27/2005 c1 5cherrystraw
KAWAII! its so good. happy ending still!.
10/31/2005 c1 inuyashafan
make another one.
10/30/2005 c1 inuyashafan
this was the best one out of the was sad and happy.inuyasha and kagome can finally be not update.
8/22/2005 c1 4ask-the-doctor-about-herpexia
different, but i loved it. i'm like ubsessed with inu/kag stories. *has evil thoughts about kikyou*

keep writing!

11/29/2004 c1 Yuko Shiya
so sad and nice! u should do shomething like this for miroku and sango
4/14/2004 c1 I'll Take The World
This is a truly wonderfull story.. It makes me feel all sad and warm inside.. ^^ But I really love this.. Pure talent..
3/7/2004 c1 Kagome-and-Inuyasha-Forever
I SO TOTALY loved your fic! it maked me sad and happy at the same time. it's just SO damned good! keep up the AMAZING CUTE GOOD SAD AND HAPPY work. greetz me
12/27/2003 c1 7spikesfirstluv
how sweet!
8/14/2003 c1 71evil older sister
That was a very sad story and i thank you for writing it, everyone need a reason to cry without the embarresment of crying for themselves
7/30/2003 c1 Guest
;_; WAH! that *cries* was so GOOD! inu and kagome r away from the a$$hole formaly known as Kikyo. great job on the story!
6/15/2003 c1 Bursnybabe
OIh god thats so sad
4/27/2003 c1 ladyallie
aww thats so sad i cryed but its a good story
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