Just In
for The Mage Lord of Harrenhal

6/18/2018 c5 2Charles Ceaser
Awesome chapter. Please update soon.
6/17/2018 c5 Guest
I love the fact that Ned has become his mentor. I also feel that maybe this friendship with the starks might steer the war of the 5 kings a bit.
7/12/2017 c1 1TBM10
Please start updating again
6/14/2017 c4 TBM10
I love this i hope ypu keep updating with new chapters. Hopefully with shorter intervals.
Thank you
3/19/2017 c4 Gilyflower
hope you update soon
1/21/2017 c4 13Kurojouou
I love this. Update soon please.
1/18/2017 c4 GingerHater6
I have to say, so far this has been one of the best Game of Thrones fanfictions I've read so far. Although that's not to say it's without it's flaws, namely the spelling, but as of chapter four that has improved greatly. I look forward to where you take the story next and hope you can continue.
1/14/2017 c4 7Dark Serpent Cat
So I want to start by saying this is an interesting concept, I always enjoy fics with more magic

That said the summary of the story confused me are the OC/OC pairing mentioned talking about Lord Whent and Harren's biological mother or are you doing Harren/OC?

I am hoping it was talking about Lord Whent as I prefer stories with OC being with a main character

Another question I have is if there is any chance this could be boy/boy aka slash ? If not that won't mean I will stop reading I just favor gay relationships especially if it's Jon/Harren (Robb/Harren works too)
1/11/2017 c4 Ryon Reyne
This is definitely an interesting story you've got going here, and that mention of fixing the castle with magic could lead to a fully restored Harrenhal, which is a scary thing with no dragons in the world just yet...
1/10/2017 c4 Basker
Poor little Harren! This sounds like a HP crossover... is that what you were going for? Or maybe just some elements of magic that are similar but not enough that you would call it a crossover?

A little surprised Catelyn doesnt hate Harren for being a legitimized bastard.
I hope Harren makes friends with some of the kids in Winterfell, the guard's description of his loneliness was heart wrenching:(

Update soon!
1/10/2017 c3 Basker
This was a beautiful chapter all around. My eyes got a little teary at the end... 3
1/10/2017 c2 Basker
Great chapter! I'm not extremely surprised that Shella was more excited than angry. The poor woman probably wanted a child to care for even more than Lord Whent did. Besides, they seem too old and heartbroken (not to mention raised differently) to care about the mysterious circumstances surrounding the baby's birth.
1/10/2017 c1 Basker
What a great start! I hope you continue this story
1/8/2017 c4 Livelikeme123
Very interesting
1/8/2017 c4 Guest
Good. Please write a few more chapters. I am enjoying this and look forward to reading more about Harren.
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