Just In
for Snuggles and Snores

3/11/2020 c3 7bloodshadows
I love that ending line! It made me laugh out loud.
6/9/2019 c3 17Krackaroo21
This is really, really cute! I enjoy a good lil' fic such as this!
9/10/2016 c1 littkepinkthing
This was so sweet ! Yes their quest was filled with all manner of danger and peril but you can't tell me there weren't little moments of comfort like this , even on the road ! Oh if we could all sleep in such a cozy comforting fashion ! Thank you for a look into my favorite dwarrow Brothers' lives !
8/12/2016 c3 Guest
So cute
7/18/2016 c3 Guest
Cute. Very cute. It reminds me of how my friends and I sleep
6/8/2016 c3 11ThePhantominthemists
This was so cute!
6/2/2016 c3 2Kyrin And Nuka
Awh, my heart can't take the fluffyness! I love this, and the way you've portrayed everyone, especially poor Bilbo.

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