Just In
for Love Has More Than One Flavor (A Pearl's Responsibility)

1/22/2023 c1 CadensGay
this story will always be close to my heart 3
3/20/2022 c12 mann3ify
Spinel is left out which is fine, but I wish she was the angry version and have a way with Steven.
3/17/2022 c12 Guest
Thanks for writing this
8/3/2021 c1 Guest
Tyler no sane intelligent human being cares ypu whiney bitch.
6/2/2021 c5 Guest
Rose loves Pearl back. Whoever wrote this is silly
6/1/2021 c6 BoredKing
Too many references, they're fine in moderation buy if every other line is a references (that you have to spell out) it gets annoying. Include context for characters that are from other series and stop straight up telling us where they're from.

References are kind of like jokes, if you have to explain then you failed.
6/1/2021 c1 BoredKing
I know this is probably not something anyone reading this cares about but a guy's second orgasm usually takes longer than to achieve than the first.
4/6/2021 c3 killergamer
no, i won't leave my real name but no you didn't fuck up you did just fine
9/9/2020 c12 1Kkcats
It's fine, I understand
9/9/2020 c6 Kkcats
8/26/2020 c1 Tyler
Wtf is this? I was looking for fan fic and i aaw this and i read under it and pearl and steven...i cant explain the rest but it had something to do with wtf is wrong with u this is a fucking kids show
7/28/2020 c8 Vahnimor
once I read Peach Creek Beacon Academy I had a feeling it was RWBY related
7/26/2020 c12 Garnet penisjolw
7/18/2020 c12 V a p e l
truly saddens me that this fanfic has come to an end. It was a fun ride Shadow, and im happy i was here to enjoy it. Good luck on your future endeavors and i hope all is well.
6/28/2020 c1 Paupa the Evil Bear
Ok. I’m just gonna say it... called it. As much as the world hated the idea. But true fantasy has no threshold and honest imagination has no filter. Pearl and Steven in each others loving embrace was always a fantasy of mine. You did great with this chapter. I could see the pictures jump right off the page. Forever a fan

EvilFortune <3
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