Just In
for Love Has More Than One Flavor (A Pearl's Responsibility)

10/10/2016 c5 Chad0615
Excellent work again my friend. Do I smell a mother - daughter three some next chapter
10/9/2016 c5 4chimchar14
Why is your story so FUCKING AMAZING!? This was absolutely worth the wait, and don't worry about rushing to make the next part, we all get writer's block. Absolutely love all the references, even if I didn't know some of them (sorry), especially the KND characters and dead space. Glad to see Lars getting his shit wrecked, and that Connie never planned on hurting Steven. I swear you made their relation even cuter despite Connie is now able to give marines a run for their money. All the interactions between the characters are just hilarious/heartwarming and make me more excited to read it. Congratulations on being an amazing author. Can't wait for more, but feel free to take your time.
10/9/2016 c5 Blue11msu
Oh now you've just made me too excited for the next chapter.
10/9/2016 c5 19magical fan18
I may need a refresher, what was up with Connie and her sudden partnership with the KND group and characters?

Is there a fic about it as I would probably read that?
10/2/2016 c4 Nick
I really think you should incorporate pearls change into the cannon story. Its really awesome.
9/30/2016 c4 Soulinger
Well... this make me laugh so hard... that I almost got punched against a wall... good work man keep it alive!
-Linger Out
9/26/2016 c4 Jerome
I like these story's and I think he should fuck lapis last
9/18/2016 c4 6Mental Incapacity
this was fucking hilarious.
9/18/2016 c4 Mental Incapacity
are you masturbating to this?!
9/9/2016 c4
I give you props of this chapter that had me rollin so hard it was good though love your work update when you can please
8/29/2016 c4 adamse0530
Keep up the awesome work. Just remember to write at your own pace. Happy writing!
8/19/2016 c4 kinkinnovich
what? what was that last part? that was fucked up
8/15/2016 c4 baronroy2012
Pretty good story. Can't wait for the next chapter. Can Lapis be next?
8/14/2016 c4 29Lucky Me Stories
I've been reading every chapter that you up closely, and I have to say, that I really like this story. i'll be back to see where this is in the next four chapters, if you plan on writing that long. okay, later fellow FF Author.
8/12/2016 c4 15DragShot
Well, I didn't see that last thing coming xD.
Sure thing man, take your time. Ignore messages of people rushing you, they won't help at all.
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