Just In
for Love Has More Than One Flavor (A Pearl's Responsibility)

8/7/2018 c9 Guest
Any news on the next chapter?
8/6/2018 c8 Steve de poppo
Priankas a liscensed surgeon so legally she can tear Doug limb from limb with a rusty putty knife and no one can stop her
8/5/2018 c1 zmmmm
8/5/2018 c2 Devon Head
Universe Love
8/1/2018 c3 7donleur
This guy needs a reference counter, JESUS CHRIST!
7/30/2018 c9 Secret name
I must say, this hole thing was great. And I do know you're not done but it's really been just good.
7/29/2018 c9 Guest
Fuck this fic this is just one of those stupid fics were everyone and their fucking mother's wants to fuck the main protagonist, and turn every other guy in to a giant prick because no guy but your main protagonist can be a nice guy, only he's allowed to be with anyone, get the fuck out of here with this shit.
7/27/2018 c9 Guest
Hey listen I love your story please continue and if you need anyone to talk to I’m on discord and IG
7/27/2018 c9 The Black Latios
Update soon.
7/23/2018 c9 Guest
Glad you’re back I can’t wait for more
7/21/2018 c9 Guest
I want a Centipeetle x Steven chapter. Maybe he cures her with sex? Or something similar. Or maybe Lion is a female, and wants to do it with Steven. Or maybe the Diamonds want in, after discovering Rose was Pink Diamond
7/20/2018 c9 3LucklessBlock86
Hell ya! your alive! I'm way looking forword to the Lapis one.
7/20/2018 c9 Soulinger
Hey Man! Don't worry and don't pressure yourself... It's been a lot of fun reading Your Fiction, take it easy, time might go fast but don't worry too much about it!
Hope your relative is doing allright! Blessings!
-Linger Out
7/19/2018 c9 3Zeta Grey
an update is an update I suppose, good on ya mate. -Grey :3
7/13/2018 c8 skrrt skrrrt
dude this was litt
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