Just In
for Harry Potter and the Power of the Gamer

4/30 c10 Guest
This is not an update. I have read this chapter months ago. Please upload the real update.
4/30 c10 Cyan-Snake
what a mess this chapter was.
4/30 c10 Amarillie
i can't wait to see if tonkses would recognise Geralt as book and game character and realise that he is real sparking existential crisis regarding their own potential existence as characters somewhere in another universe. or if witcher does not exist in their universe as fiction
4/30 c10 Guest
i will admit I did not expect Gaunter to arrange Gerald as a mentor for Harry
4/30 c10 Glitner
i want to be glad for ur chapter but then i remember u release maybe 1 chapter per 2 years -_-
4/30 c10 Doomharvester1
Ok... geralt. Thats cool. Looking forward to more but depending on how much you use may want to label as a crossover?
4/30 c10 1BarbaryLion23
enter Geralt of Rivia
4/30 c10 2Alvelvnor
aaaaaaaand cliff
4/30 c10 13yukicrewger2
I'm suddenly reminded of an old TV show. A Man travels into the past at random intervals, taking on the appearance and lives of others in order to make things better. His only companion through the jumps is a hologram of a man from his original time, that only he can see
4/30 c10 Pathfinder097
Ok I got to ask why do you publish a character...then unpublish it just to add a small part then RE publish it? It makes it very confusing at times
4/30 c10 Gamelover41592
new chapter 10: awesome work on this chapter and man things are getting crazy for Harry
4/30 c10 Guest
4/30 c10 Morkail
Harry potters Mentor is a watcher…. Which means he will save you But you better be willing to pay!
4/24 c9 1The.Last.Prophet.123
why have i got the same exact chapter three times in a row now?!
is it going to be updated or not
cuz everytime i see that there is an update i open and see it is just the same chapter repeated again
(fanfic mail alert is down so i check once every two weeks and binge read)
4/24 c9 Jamerz06
Can't wait to see the next chapter
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