Just In
for Traveler: Recollections

10/9 c1 Rain
I also liked Ashs random act of kindness towards the girl who was crying in the rain, (think it was dribble 5). It's comforting that Ash is powerful (both team wise and conceptually wise) but still helps like this, making the word a safer and nicer place. Which is why I hope he smacks down the witch. No more child killing/changing into other things. (Really hope im remembering that right).
10/9 c1 Rain
Read through some, skipped a few that I plan to read later, and skimmed others. Some really interesting stuff, especially since i didn't see/read any mention of Agatha, which makes me think we haven't seen all of her just yet in the main story.

I think I enjoyed Amelia's pov the most, (I think that was her name, one of the trainers Ash travelled with at the beggining) it was interesting to see someone who is not involved in the whole legend messes reaction to the whole thing. And I always wondered why she and Jon (I think was his name) left Ash behind on Saint Annie but now I know.

Also I liked the Gary pov chapters, it was nice seeing his point of veiw and thoughts on things. Including a little of the brotherly bond he has with Ash and what he thinks of Ash now.

The pov views of Ash's team were also really interesting and appreciated. Made me a bit sad on how Torrent is already fearing the day when/if Ash grows old and the like. I wonder if he will end up taking Lugia's offer, or will he decide something else when/if the time comes?

The bit I think I was most interested by, were the mentions of (i dont remember her name, scary ice witch/servant of articuno) and her being mentioned seeking out Ash in one of the Drabbles. I also read when the witch talked to one of the elite four and about her cult. Makes me wonder if there was other stuff about her that I skipped. The point is, after reading one of the chapters awhile back, the one when Ash and Gary travelled to the mountains and found a child human that was forcefully made into a Jinx by the witch (atleast I think that was what happened by memory) I was freaked out and hope Ash smacks the shit out of her.

I have a small fanfic in my mind of Ash crushing the 10000 old witch using the power of the tablet and the sealed Jirachi to teleport and drop Groundon right on that things head. After all, if that thing is old and powerful enough to make the first champions ninetales scared, then let's see how it likes something even older, take that ice thing.
7/20 c31 Falvern
Is there any chance we could get a Durand chapter in regards to her thoughts on Ash? Their relationship was one of the most interesting to me in Traveler.
7/16 c31 Guest
Heyy, would love to read the perspective of Oz, Seeker and Aron and Bruiser
6/28 c7 gryphan.master900
Do any of his pokemon have lifespans measuring in centuries? I'd feel sorry for them if this was real and they do, living on like the two pokemon belonging to The First would hurt. I wonder what they'd all do, those who manage to outlive him if he does live into his 70s or 80s. I'd like to see him give out eggs from Plume to young children to grow with their starter. She'd probably be the first of his pokemon to reproduce, especially if he phrased it as her spreading her magnificence. The babies of the fastest flying pokemon alive would definitely be cherished.
3/13 c28 loki0191
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee give us Gary's reaction and commentary to learning that Ash won SILVER at the NORMAL ranked contest. The email/ call from him can only be insanely hilarious.
InB4 he baits Ash into going into contests just to spite him lol.
3/2 c31 Maelstrom3703
ngl, id die for Jerry.
2/14 c31 AvidBookReadr
I'd love to see drabble 5 be pulled into the main story at some point like how this random girl he ends up helping, end's up doing pretty well or even great.
2/7 c31 loki0191
This was so great, thanks for the quick update!
2/5 c31 Guest
Love these drabbles. It's just super enjoyable to see the perspectives of other people within the story.
2/5 c31 85X59
These were fantastic, especially those that were centered around characters we know. At the same time I rather liked the outside perspective on Ash that we got with Jerry, when he felt that he was off. It honestly makes alot of sense since he is more of an introvert, even before we get into the concepts and everything that Ash has been through.
2/5 c31 woodxvii
Excellent as always, plenty of good bits of lore too. Shorts suit darker story lines well because it's easy to communicate horror with just a few words, especially when we already have all the context
2/5 c30 Zarroc789
I died laughing when Infernus was summoned to Dark Souls.
2/5 c31 7Dinner
These drabbles aren't my favourite, everytime they tease me into wanting more... and then they stop! So maybe they work a bit too well? Thanks for taking the time to gather them all up like this.
2/4 c31 Auvro1
So alive the world you created, became. Recollection gives much characterization. A world that can be constructed, is not a world. But you are closer
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