Just In
for nosebleed

3/23/2018 c1 Guest
This one shot was so funny. I like how you add Yhwach’s point of view as he is waiting for Ichigo to stop fretting ode Orihime. Ichigo looks good with long or short. But I agree he was looking fine when he smiled at Orihime and reassured he was still himself and not his hollow.
9/26/2017 c1 Guest
This was very entertaining and funny!
12/9/2016 c1 monsuno power
This was so good.i cant stop to read you soon.
8/27/2016 c1 2Anazarel
Hahaha! I laughed a lot with your one-shot... POOR Ywach XD
7/27/2016 c1 16Sele de la Luna
Hahahahahahaa I loved it!
7/12/2016 c1 21daianapotter
jajjaj it was cute n.n this hime remember me to the one of the first arc and her crazy imagination
6/29/2016 c1 chyorihime
such a cute story!..i like it Ichigo still as dense as ever,it prolong the excitement..hihihi
6/22/2016 c1 Froso
Brilliant! I loved this.
6/22/2016 c1 SakuraStar1862
I thought the story was cute, you handled the characters well. I've only seen the anime so I think I've missed a huge gap in the story by not reading the manga. Nice to see Ichigo fretting over her!
6/17/2016 c1 crista2311
That was hilarious and btw I love Ichigo's sexy this was great!
6/12/2016 c1 madteen66
This is hilarious! :D ALSO THAT HAIR AND SMILE!
6/12/2016 c1 16DeathBerryHime
God damn, you guys... I don't usually do this, but I feel like this is the only way to respond to your Guest reviews! So, this will go with first Guest review till the last okay?
Here we go:

Brown Eyes: OH THANK GOD, I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE OBSESSING OVER HOW HANDSOME HE LOOKS WITH THAT HAIR! Tbh I could write pages about that dorks hair, he's so beautiful. My son *snif* (we now have the same hair, lol) ANd yes, I'd really like if it had been in the manga, but if I'll say, the last chapters have been more than enough for me, and Kubo is a genius with a purpose, so my little fic won't even compare to what he'll give us next!

Hana: I could give you more Headcanons if you'd like. I've seen I have a knack of making manyy of these little suckers lately..! (welcome to the dark side, darling.. and thank you for the review!)

Not an Alien: *squints at your name* and how do we even know you are not an alien? Maybe you are one of the little blue men trying to take over the earth.. YOU SHAN'T SUCCEED! (thank you so much for the review!)

Guest: They can be very oblivious indeed. Who could? I can't even imagine how the rest of the squad can deal with it? But your idea is awesome... Like, can you imagine it? It'll be super effective... Thank you for the review~!

daah: *heavy blush* oh-ho-ho-hooo~! Thank you so much.. Please don't make comments like that.. I can't handle it~...*blushes some more*

That's everyone I think! Thank you again all for the reviews! You guys are amazing and with every review you make my day, so please continue~! Also, keep your heads up, I'll be updating on the 15th Dorkipedia because a certain dork has his birthday..!
Till then!

6/10/2016 c1 5Renji4eva
So cute!
6/10/2016 c1 daah
amazing as always!
6/9/2016 c1 Guest
That was hilarious! Not even the crazy wannabe god can deal with the shear obliviousness of the two! He's lucky that they don't weaponize that against him, for there would be no resisting it.
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