6/9/2016 c1 Not an Alien
6/9/2016 c1
4Saint Sita
That was hilarious and adorable but Ywach is not Ichigo'stronger father not even in a metaphorical sense.

That was hilarious and adorable but Ywach is not Ichigo'stronger father not even in a metaphorical sense.
6/9/2016 c1 Hana
i have a new headcanon now.
i have a new headcanon now.
6/9/2016 c1 Brown Eyes
THAT WAS FRICKEN HILARIOUS AND OF COURSE THAT'S HOW IT WENT! Duh. :) Omg that was too funny I wish that was in the manga, of course it wouldn't have been the same without the inner thoughts. Btw I AM TOTALLY OBSESSED WITH ICHIGO'S HAIR AS WELL! XD ...so sexy...Mmm - v -
Great one-shot! ;D
THAT WAS FRICKEN HILARIOUS AND OF COURSE THAT'S HOW IT WENT! Duh. :) Omg that was too funny I wish that was in the manga, of course it wouldn't have been the same without the inner thoughts. Btw I AM TOTALLY OBSESSED WITH ICHIGO'S HAIR AS WELL! XD ...so sexy...Mmm - v -
Great one-shot! ;D