Just In
for SAS Infiltrate Europa

5/31 c1 3N-Savix
So, the fic is dead? *Throwas phone at wall then beat it with a cinder block*
12/24/2019 c1 rafaelrizo98
more plz :,(
6/21/2019 c1 ZeEinKaizerIA
Pls update
3/1/2019 c1 Guest
Nice story
12/3/2018 c1 Combine117
Aw no Jupiter? ;)
6/19/2018 c1 91Perseus12
Hmm, interesting story and I like it! *Thumbs UP!*
5/28/2018 c1 Alex3rd
This definitely have potential. Continue .
9/26/2017 c1 1DamonXPolchow
Holy shit, these guys are all Chuck Norris! I played SAS 4 Zombie Assault for years now and never grew bored of it. Now that I watched Valkyria Chronicels... I somewhat know that these guys are going to kickass!

I love how you make these SAS folks overpowered AF. The idea of them going through dimensional portal could be found every now and then, so it lacks of originality (dunno if I spell dat right), but the feelings they felt when they are going through that dimensional portal - including the sudden change of relaxing mood to downright panic - were depicted greatly.

I'll be waiting for the next chapter! :D
6/12/2017 c1 Ronmr
Interesting crossover, very unique, and the story started very good, please update.
1/8/2017 c1 random reader
Pls update! First chap and liking!
11/22/2016 c1 ashnoggin101
Not a fan of valkyria game, big fan of SAS. So if anything I wanna see them KICKASS!... So pls more!
6/23/2016 c1 Fulafu98
Not bad, not bad at all.

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