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for Skulduggery P one-shots

10/2/2022 c25 Guest
It’s Larrikin, but you’re right, that’s true! I guess Landry forgot that…
5/14/2020 c23 1Jadewolfuwu
i love that you said Italian tipstaff lol
5/14/2020 c17 Jadewolfuwu
scapgrace is in denial
5/14/2020 c12 Jadewolfuwu
i dont know if it's just me but if something is made by a fellow Irish person u feel you have to like it it's probably just me lol
5/14/2020 c11 Jadewolfuwu
i forgot tanith had a brother lol
5/14/2020 c1 Jadewolfuwu
you forgot the time with nye
7/7/2019 c2 DeadMen212
Thanks! I needed valduggery today.
8/5/2017 c9 2notoriousxdusk
One game could be two truths and a lie
6/12/2017 c40 notoriousxdusk
plz update soon
5/7/2017 c1 1StorySpinner0
OMG love this story! :)
2/8/2017 c36 2notoriousxdusk
MY code name would be Vica and Valkyrie's would be shadow cos her clothes are black so blends in and she sense others thanks to her odd powers
1/15/2017 c12 Guest
I love this story OMG the dead men's relationship with Valkyrie is so cute ! ;)
12/21/2016 c35 scarlet scorch
i totally agree with you (hi by the way)
11/14/2016 c34 cara scortch
hey its me again can u help me with my story
11/9/2016 c20 cara scorch
hi scarlet it's me again write back to me ( by the way me and Scarlet are friends in real life so if these seem weird i don't care)
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