Just In
for Fragments of Chaldea

6/19 c1 Dasgun
6/19 c57 Dasgun
6/19 c120 Dasgun
9/1/2023 c1 HeWhoShouldn'tBeNamed
Please use God damn as often as possible. Watching Zuyiko wolf freak out is entertaining.
7/10/2023 c79 zuyiko wolf
Please read Matthew chapter 23 verse 10
7/10/2023 c78 zuyiko wolf
Please read Matthew chapter 23 verse 9
7/4/2023 c69 zuyiko wolf
Please use gosh dang instead of "god dammit!"
7/3/2023 c33 zuyiko wolf
Please read Matthew chapter 5 verses 33 to 37
7/3/2023 c32 zuyiko wolf
Don't take The Lord's name in vain
7/2/2023 c29 zuyiko wolf
Please read Matthew chapter 23 verse 10
7/2/2023 c24 zuyiko wolf
Jesus is our Lord and Saviour
6/28/2023 c13 zuyiko wolf
Please use goodness or gosh dang instead of "god damn"
6/28/2023 c12 zuyiko wolf
Please read Matthew chapter 23 verse 10
5/3/2023 c52 LordSongbird
Gramps drinking a milkshake from a swirly straw is the best thing I've read in a while.
10/20/2022 c1 1Nesthor5000
Good chapter
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