Just In
for Breaking the Invincible

7/6/2020 c1 14Kid Walker
This is a good story. I liked very much how the conversation between Raven and Gar developed, you knew how to keep both of them in their respective personalities in the style of the 2003 series.

I really enjoyed this story, I hope to read more of your writing in the future.
7/5/2020 c1 69TheForceIsStrongWithThisOne
If anyone has her back, it's BB. And vice versa. When you think about it. Raven only ever threatened to kill someone once, when Terra was about to impale BB.
6/26/2018 c1 Eldritch Sardine
Your review on my story just came through (late for some reason so just added my response to the latest chapter now, dammit FF.n) and I noticed you had a few fics of your own. This is my first and I must say, I like it. Like, a lot. Very short, but hey it’s a one shot. That’s allowed. Written very well, unique, captured the moment, and the most important part of course, BBRae. Excellent work. Now time to read your others, and hope they’ll be just as good!
5/13/2017 c1 22AggresiveFangirling
Ooooooh! I la-ike it
4/15/2017 c1 TheDarkrealm
I love it I have pondered so mutch on her futer I mean in the comics she practicly is that already depending on witch timeline you read but this is really good
7/21/2016 c1 7grakkie mccrakkie
Well I'm practically blind without glasses so half the time I have to squint so I SEE THE BBRAE AND I LIKEY! Grass X
6/23/2016 c1 1MistEssence
Nicely done. I thought Beast Boy and especially Raven were very in-character. You're obviously a skilled writer. It's nice to see high-quality Teen Titans one-shots once in a while. It's a real breath of fresh air. So thank you. :)

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