Just In
for Walk the Same Path

6/4 c11 idk
Never read a fanfic in my life but i gotta this is some really good stuff, really made me happy since i always thought ryuji should have ended with ami , and thank you ,this fanfic cured my post anime depression syndrome
4/10 c24 iDreamAlot
What the fwip
7/27/2022 c39 Guest
9/15/2021 c21 Zii
That last scene was better than all of the scenes from the anime combined.
5/18/2021 c4 4tommthecommie
So basically, Taiga was nerfed.
Everything had to go wrong for this to happen.
5/18/2021 c2 tommthecommie
Nice ff I guess? I just started reading, but Taiga in pain last chapter kinda made me hurt and cringe a little...
I guess it's not my thing, but I'll stick around a little and hope for the best.
5/14/2021 c5 DipWits
I think this chapter was able to really shed light on what the ToraDora series missed out on I am thoroughly impressed, great job!
4/7/2021 c1 Guest
2/28/2021 c1 500pies
I saw this story and promptly spent wayyy too many hours binge reading your story over the course of three days. This is the kinda shit I do when a new book comes out. That was such an amazing read. This is gonna be in my headcanon forever now. Big props to writing such a satisfying extension to an already amazing story.
11/16/2020 c8 Zii
man, i wish this was an anime, i love it
9/21/2020 c1 Reqqq
I don’t want to sound overly critical since I read enough of the story to make a full judgement but I think the concept along with the punctuation & grammar are great. However I feel you should have taken Ryuuji and Ami’s relationship a little more slowly. Show more of Ami supporting Ryuuji and helping him get over Taiga. Show us Ryuuji slowly getting over Taiga and begin developing feelings for Ami. Instead of having Yukiko blatantly tell him that Ami was in love with him like some sort of self-insert, make it subtle. Have a buildup to it. Don’t just tell us. Show us that they love each other. It would have made them getting together so much more satisfying. Because they got together relatively early on, I feel everything that came afterwards just felt like unnecessary drama and padding.

A lot of the situations feel incredibly unrealistic or over dramatic. Like something you’d see in Riverdale or something. Like the scene at the lingerie store where Susume, Hisako & Ami kiss Ryuuji and the random as crowd starts cheering. What even is that.

Speaking of Susume & Hisako, I reckon the OCs are fine but I feel like there’s already too many of them at the point I’m at (chapter 17) and from the reviews I’ve read, even more are going to be introduced later on. A particular OC I want to talk about is Yukiko. You should have spent a little time establishing her appearance during her introduction instead of just describing her as “Hotel Clerk wearing a Yukata.” She was a pretty prominent character during the Tokyo arc but I don’t think I had a single mental image of what she looked like whatsoever until way later into the arc when you finally decided to reveal her hair and eye colour.

Also, why is marriage taken so lightly in this fic? Like it’s not one of the biggest steps one could take in life and just something that happens to you on the daily.

I don’t mean to sound negative and overly critical, but the concept was good, your grammar and punctuation are good. But I feel the execution wasn’t the best and could have turned out much better if you didn’t take it the direction that you did. But that’s just my opinion.

I still appreciate the effort that’s been put into this though. So since I’m already so far into the story, I might as well ride it out till the end. Maybe something will happen that completely changes my opinion.
8/4/2020 c16 Guest
7/29/2020 c38 GoatReviewsStuff
For me, I rarely support the "Ryuuji x Ami" ship, but this fanfiction has pulled it off! HUUUUGE Kudos to this fanfic as it had me shook all the way till the end! Would read again.
5/5/2020 c39 madtad1
Seriously, really well written story. I've read it now for the second time. Please come back and write more, you have a gift.
4/9/2020 c39 Two Part Harmony
Very rarely do I put all my off-hours activities on hold to just read but this story caught me from the first chapter and wouldn't let me go. This was an amazing story that took the "ending" of Toradora and made it into a very heartwarming continuation. I always felt that Ami was the REAL "best girl" in the anime which your story showed in spades. The fact that you didn't shy away from her own issues throughout the story made it that much better.
You included the majority of the minor players (giving them some creative life) and created a host of OC's that in this case accentuated the story instead of bringing it down. Again, Well Done!
Anyway, off to part two of this story...

Thank you again!
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