Just In
for When there is light, there will be darkness

2/12/2018 c11 MayumiLaufeyson
Okay. The ending was the best... But I was also slightly confused at what happened at the same time... LOL... Anyway! Keep up the great work! It's always amazing to see how everything happens in the end. Have a great day and awesome time writing some more! Can't wait for the next update! :)
2/11/2018 c11 28CarleighAlpha
12/28/2017 c10 katlolhogg
I cannot wait until the next chapter
11/30/2017 c10 CarleighAlpha
More please
8/7/2017 c3 4janusscientes
Dude, I'm trying to overlook the lack of editing in this piece...but "mens"?
For real?
6/30/2017 c10 KyRa-ChAn008
Squee! I love this! I really can't wait for more!
6/5/2017 c10 2pendora59
it's a good story, I hope read more soon.
12/29/2016 c10 KJMONSTER1
I love this! Best Fantastic 4 book out there! So glad her power isn't ice and actually unique!
11/11/2016 c9 Layla347
Nicely done :)
10/10/2016 c9 Guest
Please keep updating!
9/26/2016 c9 X Blue Eyed Demon X
Live it!
9/1/2016 c8 2NotASiriusWriter
ive been following since you started this story.. hurry up and get a new chapter please?
8/24/2016 c7 Ashley Booth
I love this so far! can't wait to keep reading!
8/14/2016 c7 288dragon06
Nice story. The shadow powers sound cool. Looking forward to the next chap!
7/26/2016 c3 2Little Bucky
I like it so far! I just wanted to let you know that the first 2 chapters are the same...
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