Just In
for Delusions of Pandeur

10/26/2020 c8 1Holly-Irving
The disrespect you're showing to Tobirama is unreal XD My boi doesn't deserve this!
3/27/2019 c5 5SeikoTuNeR
I can only wish for a future where there is a follow up to this as Naruto and Sasuke investigates Akatsuki at Jiraiya's urging, who is hiding batshit crazy smile the whole time.
4/1/2018 c10 10Sanatoria
Gah, this is hilarious! Hope you post more soon :)
6/13/2017 c10 107Alibi Nonsense
I love how the will of fire came to be. XD It's just so dorky and awesome.
4/30/2017 c1 Clockwork Icarus
This. Is. Ducking. Priceless.
"I'm immortal, for fucks sake!"
"Of course. Of course you are. You're nice and strong and immortal. And I'm very proud of you."

4/23/2017 c10 PrudishPrude
No Wonder why Hashirama was despised by his own generation.
4/20/2017 c5 SuperDQGalaxy
No wonder they're the bad guys.
4/20/2017 c1 SuperDQGalaxy
I always wondered why Takigakure was included in the Tailed Beast distribution. Hashirama you patronizing bastard.
4/3/2017 c10 Indra Uzumaki
I beg you please don't stop this story sometimes we need our fix and this story is my fix (Fix means Addictable drugs).
3/27/2017 c10 laughing guy
It makes sense now we all now how the deceased hokages died except hashi It is the most embarrassing death ever for second kami no shinobi
3/6/2017 c8 3SilverBlader
I almost died of laughter here because it was so well done. Actually, that's what came to mind when I saw Naruto's nickname is The Orange Hokage.
2/20/2017 c1 necros434
i don't know what the fuck i just read but i need more
1/30/2017 c10 D.E.Sguys2.0
Hahahahahahahaha I couldn't stop laughing...tho now I'm curious about Might Kai...isn't the Might clan affiliated with Konoha or this is before they joined Konoha ?
1/24/2017 c8 PureInsanity39

TobiramaDonald Trump
1/7/2017 c6 D.E.Sguys2.0
I want this as a story, pretty please with cherry on top, if you say no, somewhere in the world you're killing a little penguin, if you overlook my request, somewhere in the world you're starving little children please answer my plea oh Wondrous Endo T-T
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