Just In
for Poise plus Knockback

9/9 c1 40evolution-500
Interesting idea for a crossover, although there are one or two grammatical errors here and there.
9/27/2022 c1 nnnnmhughuuhhjiijj
This is amazing, please do more.
3/3/2021 c1 Pale blood
Aw I wanted to see hunter x monster girl harem, and the church losing their mind over a Belmont loving them, please make a full story
3/18/2020 c1 Guest
Nice and the way you tied darksouls in it was also good most triple crossovers are just bad
1/26/2020 c1 Starlord Master
It's a living.
8/14/2017 c1 6phantom99
I really like this please keep going
5/6/2017 c1 Cha0s4ever
2/27/2017 c1 6XXStarkiller96
I actually enjoyed this. I really hope you go along and continue this story, because I would love to see how this turns out.

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