Just In
for The Sky Fox

12/31/2024 c7 darkeragez
Good chapter
12/28/2024 c6 darkeragez
Good chapter
11/25/2024 c23 TehDIGI
After re-reading this again, im wondering why this is marked as Rate M. its more like a T
11/18/2024 c4 Aaden
Jesus the harem is already big enough, ima have to drop if it gets any bigger bruh
11/18/2024 c3 Aaden
Oof, been a while since i cringed like that ngl
11/8/2024 c5 Gilgamesh50
Oh great more internal voices i would really hate to be naruto
11/8/2024 c3 Gilgamesh50
NGL, the Kurama or Kurami feels like an extra, and I feel like it's unnecessary. Similar to the AI systems in gamer fics, it's unnecessary.
10/16/2024 c6 Guest
This chapter compared to my previous review was in a way perfect.

There's nothing wrong with the implication of that line on its own, but in this story it doesn't have certain factors to be justified.
10/15/2024 c4 Guest
I don't like the implications of this.

["I bet she just wants to spend more time with him alone after school," thought the vixen while making sure that Naruto didn't hear her thoughts.]

Could've gone with
["I bet she just wants to spend more time with him alone after school," thought the vixen to herself (insert cute action).]
["I bet she just wants to spend more time with him alone after school," thought the vixen. Naruto responded with, "kek. Should we help or nah.]
["I bet she just wants to spend more time with him alone after school," thought the vixen that Naruto response with, "lucky guy."]
["I bet she just wants to spend more time with him alone after school," thought the vixen while Naruto replies with, "Bad Vixen. we should leave them alone, who knows how the year gonna be."]

This scene could just show that our fox & vixen have a close comradery, but after all these years with family on his side? no just no.
9/15/2024 c23 xangelicsin
Hmmmmmm… great work…. Interesting chapter….
9/1/2024 c18 Arturwho
Is the profiler from another anime
8/24/2024 c23 Grimfireshot
I'm so happy to see that this fanfiction still going I love is as well as Naruto to see how you're going to do this story Justice and how everyone's going to wrap up in this big giant harem I can't wait for the next chapter
8/23/2024 c23 Jose19
My only issue is removing Kurama i don’t see this character as a pairing the women on rhis series are far superior.

Kurama is not a human but a beast i am not into furry pairings it repulses me.

The girls on the pairing are simply incredible the sister of Ichika by herself puts Kurama to shame.
8/21/2024 c23 5fangs of death
Great job
8/20/2024 c23 Guest
Awesome chapter once again man keep it up and update and soon as possible. Thanks
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