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12/30/2024 c35 waya715
You tell them! It's your story, you write it as it comes to you, the hell with what folks tell you it should say!

Keep on keeping on!
12/26/2024 c35 1LadySaphire
I LOVE this story and those who spew the hate are pathetic. This is a SAFE place for those who have the desire nay passion of writing can post. I am so sorry that cowards have caused u to doubt ur talents...DO NOT LET THEM WIN. Oliver Twist begged...More please
12/18/2024 c35 9DarkenedRose24
Please take all the time you need. It is a wonderful story and worth waiting for. Praying for you and your family.
12/11/2024 c35 Clive54
Just read your A.N. I've been in a very similar place to you. My wife became disabled 13 years ago and has been in and out of hospital many times. Despite enormous pressure, I refused to sign a do not resuscitate order,. It seemed to be a never ended cycle of fear and uncertainty with the occasional glimmer of hope that was just enough to keep us both going. Finally we are now getting some real improvement and looking forward to having a better life. So you are not alone.

As for the bullies and trolls just think of them in their own little world so desperate for attention that they descend into hate so they can pretend to be better than what they are, which is nothing.

Best wishes for you and your family and keep on writing and posting your work. Don't let those nameless pathetic excuses of human beings win.
12/7/2024 c35 aront60
I’m sorry to hear youve been getting abuse and it sounds like you’ve been going through some really tough times. My advice is to ignore the haters (easier said than done i know). But if this is causing you stress and your not enjoying it anymore, dont bend over backwards for people you ultimately dont know. I’ve enjoyed this story, but prioritise your family and personal life first. Hang in there mate
12/2/2024 c35 Maddie0825
please update i am really enjoying this story and i would like to see what happens net
12/2/2024 c35 10Logan'slover
I am sorry you are going through all this craziness on this website and in your life. I have just recently started this story and love it.
11/29/2024 c35 Guest
Sorry you are have a rough time. Have faith things will improve. I am enjoying your work and thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful holiday
Rusty Hava.
11/29/2024 c35 Vik19
I'm very sorry to hear all this shit you had to go through. I was reading your work and I was very interested, I liked it very much.
I understand that you're going to discontinue this novel. I hope it is not true and you have the possibility to continue it, maybe somewhere else...
May it be possible for you to let us that are interested know whether we can find your work somewhere else?
Thank you in advance if you can, but I'll understand if you don't want.
11/30/2024 c29 15Ravengrad
As a man who at the age of 21 looked his father in the eye from a hospital bed saying, “I’m done. I can’t fight anymore. Love you.” Before entering a coma. I came out the other end with a doctor looking at me shaking his head.
So yea there is a point where it hurts too much.
11/28/2024 c35 Guest
And thus, because of intolerant a**holes another wonderful Author quits writing a wonderful story
11/30/2024 c35 2Karou WindStalker
here's hoping that the fuckwits leave you in peace, so you feel up to continuing this story
11/30/2024 c35 vaveva
Csodálatos vagy, minden jót kívánok neked!
11/29/2024 c35 Maddie0825
i would love to see where this story continues to go if you decide to continue with it. I hope that you did because I really love this story.
11/28/2024 c35 2DravenCorvis
Don't leave something that you love for cowards anonymous or other haters. Your story is great and you have the right to write your story the way you like it. Keep going.
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