11/2/2018 c5 Guest
10/25/2018 c34 DragonTamer01
Sorry, my dear, but I now hate this story because of the cliffhanger ending to this chapter. I’m sorry, but too many bad things have happened to the good guys too quickly and, as far as I’m concerned, the bad things that I WANT to happen to the bad guys, namely them being flayed alive, incinerated and erased from the history books for the rest of eternity, are not happening quickly enough. So my advice to you is permanently end Dumbledore, Molly, and Ron’s lives and the threats they pose to Harry and Hermione within the next two chapters (preferably through divine intervention by Hecate, patron goddess and creator of ALL Magic, who strips them all of their Magic and then erases them from existence), or I will compose an alternate (and early) ending to this story where I turn your story into a crossover with the Godzilla franchise, unleash Godzilla, King of the Monsters himself, upon Magical Britain (after evacuating Harry, Hermione, and all their loved ones, friends, and supporters, of course), and have Godzilla do to Britain what the Gods of Olympus (Greek Pantheon) did to Atlantis. I choose Godzilla because in all the crossovers he’s had with the Harry Potter franchise, all of them have one thing in common regarding Godzilla and his fellow Kaiju: they are completely IMMUNE to Magic, and I mean ALL Magic.
Sorry, my dear, but I now hate this story because of the cliffhanger ending to this chapter. I’m sorry, but too many bad things have happened to the good guys too quickly and, as far as I’m concerned, the bad things that I WANT to happen to the bad guys, namely them being flayed alive, incinerated and erased from the history books for the rest of eternity, are not happening quickly enough. So my advice to you is permanently end Dumbledore, Molly, and Ron’s lives and the threats they pose to Harry and Hermione within the next two chapters (preferably through divine intervention by Hecate, patron goddess and creator of ALL Magic, who strips them all of their Magic and then erases them from existence), or I will compose an alternate (and early) ending to this story where I turn your story into a crossover with the Godzilla franchise, unleash Godzilla, King of the Monsters himself, upon Magical Britain (after evacuating Harry, Hermione, and all their loved ones, friends, and supporters, of course), and have Godzilla do to Britain what the Gods of Olympus (Greek Pantheon) did to Atlantis. I choose Godzilla because in all the crossovers he’s had with the Harry Potter franchise, all of them have one thing in common regarding Godzilla and his fellow Kaiju: they are completely IMMUNE to Magic, and I mean ALL Magic.
10/9/2018 c34 Rae
update please!
update please!
10/8/2018 c3
Harry would have started School in the September after his fourth birthday (If the Dursley’s registered him for the optional Reception Year) or his fifth Birthday (Compulsory start date). Not at six,

Harry would have started School in the September after his fourth birthday (If the Dursley’s registered him for the optional Reception Year) or his fifth Birthday (Compulsory start date). Not at six,
9/10/2018 c11 Guest
cool tricks w/ the wands!
cool tricks w/ the wands!
9/12/2018 c1
Such a curious beginning. Love the letters, and Hermione picked a beautiful name for her owl.
What caused the Marauder invasion? Do they know something about the bearded one and his plans?
So many questions that can be answered with the merest turn of a page, so I'm off to do that now.

Such a curious beginning. Love the letters, and Hermione picked a beautiful name for her owl.
What caused the Marauder invasion? Do they know something about the bearded one and his plans?
So many questions that can be answered with the merest turn of a page, so I'm off to do that now.
9/10/2018 c8 Guest
Boy, Lucius sure is a bastard! Glad Narcissa has some courage in your story!
You have some good ideas here, but I think you would benefit from having a beta.
There are some inconsistencies , that just don't add up.
Like why would Albus try to blow up harry. It doesn't make sense. Maybe I am missing something.
That sure is possible, but all of Albus's plans hinge on Harry. And then he doesn't seem to be
surprise to see him again.
And, how did Lucius know how to get Emma? And if she was just walking up to her house, would she have seen Dumbles? That could easily be fixed, by Emma saying something about who she thought she saw...
You have some good stuff here, and I'm not trying to be negative, just helpful.
Boy, Lucius sure is a bastard! Glad Narcissa has some courage in your story!
You have some good ideas here, but I think you would benefit from having a beta.
There are some inconsistencies , that just don't add up.
Like why would Albus try to blow up harry. It doesn't make sense. Maybe I am missing something.
That sure is possible, but all of Albus's plans hinge on Harry. And then he doesn't seem to be
surprise to see him again.
And, how did Lucius know how to get Emma? And if she was just walking up to her house, would she have seen Dumbles? That could easily be fixed, by Emma saying something about who she thought she saw...
You have some good stuff here, and I'm not trying to be negative, just helpful.
9/10/2018 c7 Guest
I am enjoying your story so far.
but, you do have a few things that don't fit,
like mentioning while the bank about what fred and george told them,
before you actually have them talk w/ the twins.
boy, Ron is more than a prat, he's an evil bugger!
I am enjoying your story so far.
but, you do have a few things that don't fit,
like mentioning while the bank about what fred and george told them,
before you actually have them talk w/ the twins.
boy, Ron is more than a prat, he's an evil bugger!
9/9/2018 c1 Guest
dumbles tries to blow harry up?
those blood wards weren't worth squat, ever!
dumbles tries to blow harry up?
those blood wards weren't worth squat, ever!
9/8/2018 c6 Guest
9/8/2018 c6 Guest
9/8/2018 c6 Guest
9/2/2018 c6 Tony26140
hello i am a french fan of harry potter and i have seen some french translation mistakes and some added words as for example when reading the will of the potter the word godfather is used in french for alice longbottom and in english. It is well and truly registered godmother
hello i am a french fan of harry potter and i have seen some french translation mistakes and some added words as for example when reading the will of the potter the word godfather is used in french for alice longbottom and in english. It is well and truly registered godmother