Just In
for Friend or Foe

11/30/2024 c29 15Ravengrad
As a man who at the age of 21 looked his father in the eye from a hospital bed saying, “I’m done. I can’t fight anymore. Love you.” Before entering a coma. I came out the other end with a doctor looking at me shaking his head.
So yea there is a point where it hurts too much.
11/28/2024 c35 Guest
And thus, because of intolerant a**holes another wonderful Author quits writing a wonderful story
11/30/2024 c35 2Karou WindStalker
here's hoping that the fuckwits leave you in peace, so you feel up to continuing this story
11/30/2024 c35 vaveva
Csodálatos vagy, minden jót kívánok neked!
11/29/2024 c35 Maddie0825
i would love to see where this story continues to go if you decide to continue with it. I hope that you did because I really love this story.
11/28/2024 c35 2DravenCorvis
Don't leave something that you love for cowards anonymous or other haters. Your story is great and you have the right to write your story the way you like it. Keep going.
11/27/2024 c35 traylonis6071
I truly hope you continue writing as I really love this story. Good luck
11/27/2024 c35 4magiemae
Take your time and heal. You have been under too much pressure and burdens to worry about anything else. Don't worry about the asshats.
Remember this is a passion or release not a job.
Those who can write do. Those who can't bitch abouy those who can.
Hang in there.
11/27/2024 c35 3LavishlyUrs
Ignore the haters. You are doing great in my opinion.

How are you doing now? How's the family?
I understand where you are coming from in the past 2 years I lost my mother and grandmother a year apart. Uprooted my life and moved cross country to stay with family. In law had issues with my anxiety and depression and was basically kicked out before I was able to find a place of my own. I'm on disability and was paying rent to them while the rest of the money went to bills and food.
So I have also thought of longer term solution but short term gain. Keep your head up and hope all is doing well
11/27/2024 c35 Griever321
This is a great story, don’t listen to the haters. You are a wonderful writer and your story is one of the first i read when i started reading fanfic. Keep your head held high and listen to all the positive comments.
11/26/2024 c35 1Rijl Kent
Hi! I don't know anything about this story. Saw it on someone favorite list, saw the all-caps HIATUS, and then the recent update list, and just looked here to see if this was a cool story coming back. All that is to say, I don't have feelings about the fic either way at this point, even though it seems like something I might check out sometime.

I'm writing because of this: "The moment some stupid individual decides to spew nothing but hate, I will discontinue this story, and pull my writing from this website." I'm writing to ask you to reconsider. I get it, haters suck, and it's amazing how just a couple critical words cut deeper than dozens of positive comments elevate. BUT! I implore you not to give the haters, or rather one stupid individual hater, the power to affect your whole work on here. Clearly lots of people are glad that it's here and enjoy it. I know that it's hard to do, but I try to take words of vitriol as nothing more that evidence of how sad some people's lives are.

If you ever see reviews by people who *actually create*, you'll see that they're generally kind, positive, and, at worst, 'constructive' (which can be hard to hear, but are often actually helpful!).

I do know it's hard, but I still ask you not let the haters make a choice for you. Still, you gotta do what's right for you.

Best to you and your family! Good luck with life (and writing!)
11/25/2024 c35 6bruins35
I will say i've had better luck on Ao3 when it comes to the rudeness of some of the dumb fucks on this website. it might be best to try and move everything over there!
11/25/2024 c35 StonyTrail
Take care of yourself. You dont need to explain your actions or inaction to anyone, screw them. I wish you well.
11/25/2024 c35 4Jtf0012
I am sorry to hear about the stupidity that others do on this site. As a fanfiction writer myself, it is frustrating.
11/25/2024 c35 mithrilandtj
please finish the story and ignore the dipwads who are too stupid to stop reading a story they obviously don't appreciate.

I really hate it when I get into a story and then find out it's unfinished.
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