11/24/2024 c35
It is sad that there are people who bullied on this site.
It is something that should never have happened.

It is sad that there are people who bullied on this site.
It is something that should never have happened.
11/24/2024 c35
you and your family are important and you should put them first. as a writer on hiatus myself i know that you have to do what you have to do. your real fans will be here waiting for when you come back. just block the losers that spread hate because you have more talent than them and just do what makes you happy. see you on your next post when your ready.

you and your family are important and you should put them first. as a writer on hiatus myself i know that you have to do what you have to do. your real fans will be here waiting for when you come back. just block the losers that spread hate because you have more talent than them and just do what makes you happy. see you on your next post when your ready.
11/24/2024 c35 LeoniusDong
Well, maybe you can try AO3, but please do us, your faithfull readers a favor, give us your web address before you decide to leave. thank you!
Well, maybe you can try AO3, but please do us, your faithfull readers a favor, give us your web address before you decide to leave. thank you!
11/24/2024 c35 studley24
Hi Em
Sorry to hear you’ve had a tough time of it, and that you’re also
getting undeserved hassle on here.
Hope to see a continuance of this when you’re ready, as I have
enjoyed it so far.
Btw, where is it cross-posted?
Hi Em
Sorry to hear you’ve had a tough time of it, and that you’re also
getting undeserved hassle on here.
Hope to see a continuance of this when you’re ready, as I have
enjoyed it so far.
Btw, where is it cross-posted?
11/24/2024 c3
11Marc the Unruly
Just so you know, not everyone is a hater trying to drag you down. Very muchenjoying this story.
Remember, Illegitimi non carborundum!

Just so you know, not everyone is a hater trying to drag you down. Very muchenjoying this story.
Remember, Illegitimi non carborundum!
11/24/2024 c35 General Mac
I agree with everything you said, if we get an update great but sometimes life happens and its more important, ignore the morons that have nothing better to do in life then complain moan and berate creative people, because they dont have it in them to create anything. If you do end up coming off this site, I have found / are a lot friendler and they do not take kindly to troll crap. Good luck and do what you have to.
I agree with everything you said, if we get an update great but sometimes life happens and its more important, ignore the morons that have nothing better to do in life then complain moan and berate creative people, because they dont have it in them to create anything. If you do end up coming off this site, I have found / are a lot friendler and they do not take kindly to troll crap. Good luck and do what you have to.
11/24/2024 c35 DA1995
i am sorry for the abuse you have suffered. i have enjoyed this story and have been hoping you would continue
i am sorry for the abuse you have suffered. i have enjoyed this story and have been hoping you would continue
11/24/2024 c35 SLYNNR
11/24/2024 c35 chesal
You and your family and in my thoughts and prayers. We will wait for you to be ready to come back.
You and your family and in my thoughts and prayers. We will wait for you to be ready to come back.
11/24/2024 c35 thedad1961
Dude load the barrels again and fire! Hatters will only ever hate, they have no concept of manners or tact, I only feal pity for their lonely and empty lives.
Dude load the barrels again and fire! Hatters will only ever hate, they have no concept of manners or tact, I only feal pity for their lonely and empty lives.
11/24/2024 c35 hufflepuffhugs
I'm so sorry that you are going though a lot right now but take your time we will wait for you to be able to update
I'm so sorry that you are going though a lot right now but take your time we will wait for you to be able to update
11/24/2024 c35
Thank you for the update and please be aware that the Loud and Annoying genetic skidmarks who complain are a loud minority.
Most Readers are thankful for the effort you put into this hobby and can understand issues that can arise. (That said, with the issues you listed...I'm pretty sure that Atlas himself would have said "F! # this" and left. So consider this Reader impressed with your grit. I hope that everything gets better.)
On the issue of grammar...I have yet to see a FF that did NOT have at least one grammar issue unless the writer had a few Beta Readers or was in training to be a Professional Author. The only time I'll complain about Grammar in a FF is when the issue can't be ignored...
Like "Hermione lftd his clay cup and drenk what she just puored. Afterwards, he lowerd the glass tulmber down and turned to talk with Lavndar."
Notice the Gender Swapping, Object Shifting and the blatant misspellings...yeah, I'd mention it in a comment if this was all over the place.
That said, the chances of me reading past the second set of issues are so low that Umbitch has a higher chance of winning Professor of the Year two years in a row outside of the House of Snakes than that story getting more than a glance at.
Hermione considering the Divination Professor the best Professor on campus while Black is trying to sneak in...
Can you see either of those events happening?
I can't without some SERIOUSLY LARGE changes, so don't worry about this Reader jumping up to lambast you.
As a Fellow 40 year old who is shifting Careers, you have my sympathy. Good luck. Personally, I left Teaching to go into a Tech Field.
Now for my single complaint about this Author's Note:
I read this AN while eating Breakfast and my bowl of Wheaties lost their appeal near the end of your justified Rant...damn you, fresh Strawberries had been sliced up for that culinary necessity and all appeal ran screaming.
I look forward to seeing where your story goes from here and hope that it stays up...I like the idea of what you've written.

Thank you for the update and please be aware that the Loud and Annoying genetic skidmarks who complain are a loud minority.
Most Readers are thankful for the effort you put into this hobby and can understand issues that can arise. (That said, with the issues you listed...I'm pretty sure that Atlas himself would have said "F! # this" and left. So consider this Reader impressed with your grit. I hope that everything gets better.)
On the issue of grammar...I have yet to see a FF that did NOT have at least one grammar issue unless the writer had a few Beta Readers or was in training to be a Professional Author. The only time I'll complain about Grammar in a FF is when the issue can't be ignored...
Like "Hermione lftd his clay cup and drenk what she just puored. Afterwards, he lowerd the glass tulmber down and turned to talk with Lavndar."
Notice the Gender Swapping, Object Shifting and the blatant misspellings...yeah, I'd mention it in a comment if this was all over the place.
That said, the chances of me reading past the second set of issues are so low that Umbitch has a higher chance of winning Professor of the Year two years in a row outside of the House of Snakes than that story getting more than a glance at.
Hermione considering the Divination Professor the best Professor on campus while Black is trying to sneak in...
Can you see either of those events happening?
I can't without some SERIOUSLY LARGE changes, so don't worry about this Reader jumping up to lambast you.
As a Fellow 40 year old who is shifting Careers, you have my sympathy. Good luck. Personally, I left Teaching to go into a Tech Field.
Now for my single complaint about this Author's Note:
I read this AN while eating Breakfast and my bowl of Wheaties lost their appeal near the end of your justified Rant...damn you, fresh Strawberries had been sliced up for that culinary necessity and all appeal ran screaming.
I look forward to seeing where your story goes from here and hope that it stays up...I like the idea of what you've written.
11/24/2024 c35 bahnannah
Firstly, I’m very sorry that your family has had so many medical problems. Virtual hugs to the wife! Hope she continues to recover. Congrats on the dad the transplant. Hope he does well. My mom had a kidney transplant for 24 years when she died of heart failure and dementia. She was 71 and had been in bad health much of my life.
Secondly, people are toxic assholes. If you ever think about getting on Reddit, I advise against it. It will make you question everything and lower your self esteem to the floor, and mine was already low. Only things I can suggest are to turn off guest reviews. If they want to be twats make them log in. The other is move everything to ao3. They’re still twats but can be reported and are actually removed.
Firstly, I’m very sorry that your family has had so many medical problems. Virtual hugs to the wife! Hope she continues to recover. Congrats on the dad the transplant. Hope he does well. My mom had a kidney transplant for 24 years when she died of heart failure and dementia. She was 71 and had been in bad health much of my life.
Secondly, people are toxic assholes. If you ever think about getting on Reddit, I advise against it. It will make you question everything and lower your self esteem to the floor, and mine was already low. Only things I can suggest are to turn off guest reviews. If they want to be twats make them log in. The other is move everything to ao3. They’re still twats but can be reported and are actually removed.