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for Friend or Foe

8/5/2016 c8 Talon Blu
Lucius is a dead man. please do not puss out and let him get away with this. give Harry the balls to kill him.
8/5/2016 c8 jkarr
it is nice to know that Emma is getting out from Lucius
8/5/2016 c7 Guest
I look forward to the next chapter.
8/5/2016 c7 Sailor Tala
Amazing chapter looking forward to your next chapter
8/4/2016 c7 tlc125
I hope you find a way to make Emma an active part of the story. Excellent work! Thanks.
8/4/2016 c7 minniemousemom
great one
8/4/2016 c7 jkarr
this is a nice chapter. looking forward to what happened to Emma Granger.
8/4/2016 c7 15Vegasman59
Me thinks Dumbles is Holding Mrs Granger Hostage. Time to man up Harry Look out Dumb-as-a-Door!
Great Chapter :)
8/4/2016 c7 BratGirl83
Love it
8/3/2016 c6 Vegasman59
Well shit, this is really good keep up the Good work!
8/2/2016 c6 2harlancarter69
Interesting and quickly paced story. Looking forward to updates.
8/2/2016 c6 paladin3030
So is hermione's mother is still alive?

According to the Heritage test she is.
8/2/2016 c6 cares 1970
I hope that this review finds you in good or better health than you have had recently. I would like you to know that I have just found this story and could not stop reading until I finished the current chapter and that I will gladly wait until the next chapter is posted. I love the way you are telling the story and hope you are feeling better soon.
8/2/2016 c6 1raigalcc
Oh boy O.O dumbledork is in for it now lol
8/2/2016 c6 tlc125
Uh-oh! Heads will roll (hopefully)! I still fell bad for Hermione. It didn't say the her mother was deceased though. Maybe that's good news.
You make mistakes, but I write that off as typing too fast and not proofreading. My opinion.
Thanks for updating.
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