Just In
for The Assassin's Blade

6/21/2018 c18 Guest
Amazing chapter, can't wait for more!
6/20/2018 c18 Sfloresf
WOW! Mind Blowing Chapter! I Love SandStorm! And I think Padme is developing some feeling too! I also think Sidious is watching Vader very closely.. There so much going on between them.. But then again Anakin and Padme belong together no matter where they are. I'm so captivated by this Awesome story. I desperately wait for the next chapter.. So Thanks for this awesome update! :]
6/18/2018 c18 lcbacteria
padme is getting deeper with her affection toward sandstorm.
6/18/2018 c18 Nyx-Arae
This chapter was amazing. I have no words. I am simply amazed.
6/18/2018 c18 2RebelGoneRogue
On the edge of my seat the whole time! I love this fic! I'm so glad you updated. Who doesn't love a bad boy that only wants to protect you and keep you safe? sexy
6/18/2018 c18 2LONE RANGER 97
Yes another chapter man I wonder what will happen when Padmé finds out that Sandstorm is Vader
6/17/2018 c18 7CT7567Rules
you should have Padme disguise herself as a dancer for an undercover mission. something sexy, reveling and alluring to her next target or objective, plus seeing her in a veil and doing a sexy dance to an imperial official before she kills him would be cool to see. got to ask, where is Ahsoka?
6/17/2018 c18 CottonKey
Oh man, that did not go as planned for Anakin...wonder how he's gonna deal with this shitty turn in events.
6/17/2018 c18 MumsieDo
Oh, oh, ohhhhh! Talk about action-packed! I loved it! I am strapping in and ready for more of this incredible ride! Great story!
6/17/2018 c18 Mutant Ascension
Since Vader's is whole shouldn't his power have long since eclipsed Sidious's by now?, I mean Sidious may have more knowledge but by this point Vader should have vastly more raw power to toss aside any attacks from that old piece of garbage and lay the smack down on his ass.
6/17/2018 c18 banzi
Wonderful update.
6/17/2018 c18 herpdurp
still amazing!
6/16/2018 c18 HL starwars
I LOVE IT! I’ve been checking up constantly to see if there were any new chapters and I screamed when I saw that there was a new one! I can’t wait for the next few :) Please keep up the brilliant work, this story is one of the greatest things going on in my life!
6/16/2018 c18 Paul Lenzen
I loved it like I've loved every chapter so far
6/16/2018 c18 RyuuShadow
Oh! Vader almost slips there! O.o
I can't wait for the big battles coming next! :D
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