Just In
for Light Pink Lover

8/19/2020 c30 jaajtakua
I really loved this fic.

I hope you continue it one day :)
1/30/2020 c7 Guest
Cut the shitty drama, shitfucker.
9/4/2018 c1 yeIQa
Veri n1c30mDst0ri0T
9/2/2018 c1 9SvM6
Veri n1c3eOTst0riP5
9/2/2018 c1 Ac8Vl
Veri n1c327Jst0ri4J
9/1/2018 c1 HZRnv
Veri n1c3je0st0riTb
7/27/2018 c30 13Gamera68
Ha, good chapter. Glad to see everyone getting along. Except when Yukari blew up the gift shop. Or did she? Anyway, good chapter but I can't imagine Saizo resembling Winnie the Pooh.
7/25/2018 c30 Guest
Did Yukari just shout ZA WARUDO?
7/22/2018 c30 Kinglelouch4512
First off welcome back. Glad to see an update. Lol. I was surprised a nice heart felt chp. With gin and his girl and the whole double date. Nice and then the expsloin. Wtf. Lol. Cant wait for the next chp. Keep it up.
7/5/2018 c29 Kinglelouch4512
Really enjoyed this story. Im in awe wanting more. Keep up the good work.
6/12/2018 c14 I Lost My Name
Go take care Horo
*Go take care of Horo
6/12/2018 c13 I Lost My Name
21th Century Security
*21st Century Security
6/12/2018 c2 I Lost My Name
21th Century Defense Security
*21st Century (Defense) Security
3/19/2018 c29 Gamera68
Short chapter but it got the point across. Keep up the good work!
3/13/2018 c29 1DemonRaily
It actually was really nice chapter, considering what is happening in it. Yes, saying sorry is not enough for ten years worth of pain, but it is still a step in the right direction.
I am doubly impressed with the narrative that Mizore can not yet forgive him as she despite being married and loving her husband still has some feelings for Tsukune, or her husband thinks so at least. Also explains why her husband was so hard on him.
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