Just In
for Hide-n-Seek

9/1/2016 c1 mst88
Can I just say how much I love how you write Fushimi. And like you said, this was creepy and hit me on a personal level since his father reminds me of a stepfather and ex boyfriend wrapped up together. I feel for Fushimi and Yata. shutter

Regardless, it is an excellent piece of writing ;)
7/30/2016 c1 40redstarsarc
Wow, that actually was kinda creepy. I like it! As always, your writing is very talented and your portrayal of Fushimi is my favorite. I love stories that explore Fushimi's life before Scepter 4 and Homra back when he and Yata weren't always trying to kill each other. Niki's weird abusiveness is an aspect I haven't really seen before, though.

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